Obtaining a Trial License

Obtaining a Trial License

To begin the registration process click the "Register HL7Spy" button in the ribbon.

To try HL7Spy before you buy, request a trial license. This can be done in one of two ways.

  1. If your computer has access to the internet, enter your email address in the "Email/Licensee" textbox and click on the "Get Trial License" button shown in the registration dialog below. This will automatically get a trial license from our license server.
  2. If you cannot get a trial license using the first method, click "Copy License Information to Clipboard" and paste this information into an email and send it to support@HL7Spy.com. We will send you a license key via email.

To access the Registration Dialog

The Registration Dialog is automatically displayed when HL7Spy is launched if the product has not been registered. It can also be activated by clicking the "Register HL7Spy" button located the main File tab.

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