Performance Metrics - Development Environment vs PT Environment

Performance Metrics - Development Environment vs PT Environment

Test 1

2 copies of HL7Spy, one configured to listen on port 12000, one set to send on port 12000. Chicago data set (100K messages)


Send MachineReceive MachineTime to send 100K
JR-PCJR-PC15 sec4 Cores (8 Hyperthreaded Cores)
NICKWORK-PCNICKWORK-PC12 sec4 Cores (8 Hyperthreaded Cores)
1st Gen I3 computer
running a vm

1st Gen I3 computer
running a vm

23 sec2 Cores
PT Load GeneratorPT Load Generator57 sec2 VM Cores
PT Application Server 02PT Application Server 0275 sec4 VM Cores
PT Database Server 01PT Database Server 01
(on H: drive)
78 sec6 VM Cores
very jerky performance as if the write to disk is conflicting with other writes
Pauses in just copying a file from PT Load Generator to this machine.
PT Load GeneratorPT Application Server 02127 sec

very jerky performance. At times no messages are sent for a period of 10 seconds or more
Just copying a file from the Load Generator to this machine using windows file copy would take up to 20 seconds

PT Load Generator

PT Database Server 01
(on H: drive)

162 sec

very jerky performance. At times no messages are sent for a period of 10 seconds or more
Just copying a file from the Load Generator to this machine using windows file copy would take up to 20 seconds

PT Application Server 02

PT Database Server 01
(on H: drive)

185 secvery jerky performance. At times no messages are sent for a period of 10 seconds or more

Jonathan Reis' presentation on the PT environment


  1. We are expecting the best performance to be between the Application Servers and the Database Server since the Application Server must round-trip to the database for every messaging operation in Connexion. Yet we are seeing the worst performance between these 2 machines.
  2. Counter-intuitively, the more cores we have the slower the performance
  3. There seems to be an issue with the writing out to disk. Long pauses cause the applications to freeze intermittently and sometimes timeout.
  4. In our local network we can copy a 90MB file in about 1 second. In the PT environment the time varied between 8 and 20 seconds with very jerky progress.
  5. Here is a video of what it looks like to copy a 90MB file between 2 systems in the PT environment https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83119949/WP_20140217_008.mp4