14.0 RC2

Released OnMay 25, 2015
Release TypeRelease Candidate - Not for production use
Release Location

14.0 RC2

14.0 RC2 


  • Custom code-based devices (C#, HL7 Tx v2, Transform device) now inspect your code for the [ClientRunnable(true)] attribute. New devices automatically have this attribute added (but set to false) because we've seen a few too many dangerous situations where you do not want your custom code executing on the client side, i.e. sending data / writing files / database records etc. during the configuration and testing phase. Your existing devices will need to have this attribute added if you want to let them run client-side. 
  • The HL7 transform v2 device now requires quotes when adding string parameter values. This allows you to differentiate between null (which is a completely blank input), an empty string (""), a literal string (@"\r\n" -> \r\n) and standard string ("\r\n" -> CRLF). No changes are required to existing configurations - quotes will automatically be added.
  • In the HL7 transform V2 device, you can jump to the corresponding table / code by clicking the corresponding icon:
  • Alerts have been fixed in this release. Please ensure your system settings include a proper email target.
  • The authentication defect (CNXN-2282) has been fixed. Please upgrade to this version if your environment uses group-level authentication.


We have released a specific version of Integrator which matches with this release. If you are testing/using integrator, please upgrade both Connexion and Integrator.

Integrator uses a new "Mongo Queue Device" available in the "Remote Integrator" category. This device currently targets the integrator only and is not expected to work in Connexion without prior configuration. You can create and edit your integrator channels using this queue device in Connexion per normal, it simply won't function as a queue within Connexion.

Breaking Changes

Please see the breaking changes list here: Connexion.Core Interface Changes.

Additionally, an error was found in the HL7Segment class. The Fields property returned an IList<HL7Field>, where it should be returning an HL7FieldCollection. Since HL7FieldCollection is-a IList<HL7Field>, this should not cause any functional problems.

New Features in this Release

CNXN-2308SuggestionSystem Device - It would be nice to be able to receive an error message if the diskspace drops below a certain level
CNXN-2267SuggestionBetter notification of expiring connexion systems
CNXN-2265SuggestionPlugin Manager - Should show the fully qualified assembly name
CNXN-2264SuggestionQueue - Bulk Export to File - Need option to add Message Framing characters to wrap each message
CNXN-2263SuggestionQueue - Bulk Export to HL7Spy - Framing characters need to wrap each message so that they can be read by HL7Spy
CNXN-2245SuggestionHL7Inbound Device - Support for 4 character Z-Segments
CNXN-2241SuggestionClient - It would be nice if the client remembered the last tab/channel that was selected and brought that tab/channel back on client restart
CNXN-2225SuggestionHL7TransformDeviceV2 - Clicking on the Map Table in the transform list should bring up the Table for editing
CNXN-2224SuggestionHL7TransformDeviceV2 - TransformFuctions should treat string parameters as if they were escaped c# strings
CNXN-1864SuggestionAdd bulk queue message service call to speed up manual queuing operation



Log when free disk space is less than 5 GB



Log an event when message(s) are purged from the queue.



File writer device doesn't expose any event hooks


Bug Fixes in this Release




File writer doesn't pick up changes to target path or variables until the service is restarted.



Client - Error Count not displayed on Alerts button in main ui



Saving an attachment to a file causes an NRE



Reload channel detection incorrect after changes in another instance

CNXN-2310DefectChange History View - User should not contain the session id
CNXN-2309DefectClient - [InvalidOperationException] A TwoWay or OneWayToSource binding cannot work on the read-only property 'IsSelected' of type 'Connexion.Client.DeviceVm'.
CNXN-2304DefectError ack not store in the processing history when using an error expression (Inbound HL7)
CNXN-2303DefectChannel status shows paused after removing a paused queue
CNXN-2302DefectUnable to install the advanced services on Sql Server Express 2008R2
CNXN-2296DefectInstallWizard - No log file is being generated because of a missing .config file in installer
CNXN-2295DefectKeywords not set on imported channels (therefore cannot be searched)
CNXN-2282DefectAuthentication of Connexion user may not discriminate on user's group
CNXN-2281DefectShouldn't be able to move a channel to another q repo group
CNXN-2280DefectExport channels with the same name
CNXN-2279DefectWhen there is only one message in the Q, the client message channel doesn't refresh
CNXN-2278DefectQueueDevice - Queue Devices deleted from a channel do not get marked as deleted
CNXN-2274Defect'Remove Reference' menu item not working in the CCD
CNXN-2268Defect"Manage Custom Devices" UI issues
CNXN-2266DefectChannel key not displayed in the device info dialog for newly created channels
CNXN-2262DefectQueue device custom time range query should handle seconds
CNXN-2260DefectCloning a channel with a device that has higher versions installed results in the cloned channel having a higher device version
CNXN-2259DefectDatabase Maintenance - Event Log descriptions should be more descriptive as to what operations were performed
CNXN-2258DefectCustom code device calling ProcessMessage instead of ProcessMessageAsync (internally)
CNXN-2257DefectClient - Locking a channel in 1 instance of the client does not show it locked in another
CNXN-2256DefectError trying to clear events
CNXN-2254DefectClient - MainWindow.xaml.cs The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.
CNXN-2253DefectClient - It is possible to add a new Channel to a ChannelGroup that has been deleted
CNXN-2252DefectClient - Deleted Channels are visible in 2nd instance of the client and can be started
CNXN-2251DefectHL7TransformDeviceV2 - Validation does not happen when channel is loaded, or started
CNXN-2250DefectClient - MainWindow.xaml.cs The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.
CNXN-2249DefectHL7 Transform Device v2 - Expressions are not visible in the UI
CNXN-2248DefectHL7 tx v2 new string quoting needs to be stripped in a few more places
CNXN-2247DefectClient - NRE in DeviceVm.GetProcessedMessageInternal()
CNXN-2246DefectClient - NRE in Connexion.Client.DeviceVm.GetProcessedMessage(Boolean processMessage)
CNXN-2244DefectInbound HL7 unique constraint required.
CNXN-2243DefectInbound HL7 string replacement not hit unless there is a parse error
CNXN-2242DefectWhen I upgraded my Connexion version on my machine (Client only) it did not save my Servers
CNXN-2240DefectGetting "ConnectionEndedByClient - Shutdown initiated by client" when starting to send messages
CNXN-2239DefectQueue device displays incorrect output when a "too large" message is selected more than once
CNXN-2238DefectClient-side compilation fails if the temp folder/dll is created when the client is running with admin privs and current running not elevated
CNXN-2237DefectConnexion.Core - Some methods have been marked Obsolete and should not be
CNXN-2235DefectHistorical Statistics - System device always shows no statistics. Date on timeline is set to Jan 1, 0001 and cannot be changed
CNXN-2234DefectMessage Differencing - Current implementation is brittle to change
CNXN-2226DefectQueueDevice - "Copy Selected Messages to Queue" list too hard to navigate with lots of channels


DefectEmail Alerts don't work in Cxn v14