14.0 Release 9 (v14.0.9823)

14.0 Release 9 (v14.0.9823)


Please note that we encountered an issue with the channel clone routine in the original R9 (9821) release.

Released OnMay 26, 2016
Release TypeProduction Release
Release Location



This is primarily a bug-fix release. There is one important functional change:

In prior versions of Connexion, the channel import routine relied solely on the channel and device keys when attempting to match channels within a file to existing channels in a system. This system worked well when importing a small number of channels and when the source of the channel file was always the same. This has become problematic since there are scenarios where channel and device keys will change (for example, importing the same channel file twice into different tabs or groups). These newly imported channels (with new keys) can never be exported and overwrite a matching set of channels in another Connexion instance.

To remedy this, we have switched the matching logic to use Group Name/Tab Name/Channel Name. Therefore, there is a uniqueness constraint on these three properties (ie, no channels with the same name in the same tab). We have also changed the import UX by splitting the import routine into two:

  1. Import channels into current tab: All channels within the current channel file will be imported into the currently selected Group/Tab. Any matching channel names will show the option of update or import and rename. This is import behavior we see most often and matches previous versions of Connexion.
  2. Import channels into system: Channels will be imported to the same group and tab as they were exported from. If the group or tab does not exist, they will be created. This allows you to take a set of channels from one system (QA) and import them into another system (Staging) keeping the same group and tab structure. If channels with matching names are found, you will have the option to update or add and rename.

In each case, the update routine has been improved and will attempt to add and remove devices to match the channel file structure. Please note that queue devices are never removed during an import - you must manually remove queues.

We have also updated the routine which attempts to "fix up" device configurations post-import. For example, this is how a branch device being imported into a new system knows where to point post-import. Please pay particular attention to any devices which reference other devices/channels and double-check that messages are being sent to the correct destination.

Bug Fixes


Issue with "set as Active Application Server" function 

CNXN-2590Branch device selection should exclude MongoDb queues since they will cannot be branched to
CNXN-2587PostOnChannel can hang under certain conditions
CNXN-2585Channel Change Tracking - Should keep 60 days of changes on file for debugging purposes
CNXN-2580Copy Selected Messages to Queue doesn't copy attachments
CNXN-2579NLog's archiving is poorly implement. Archiving of log files should be managed by Connexion
CNXN-2577Setup Software for Connexion does not recognize proper DB Version
CNXN-2576Logging - Editing the app.config causes Logging/Alerting to stop functioning properly
CNXN-2575Up to 50 events are lost if no event is generated in about one hour
CNXN-2574Include Charts in Snapshots not working and charts incorrect
CNXN-2568At times the Connexion Client won't Launch
CNXN-2564Edit and Requeuing a message with a collapsed block may cause the collapsed region to become corrupted
CNXN-2558Manage Alerting doesn't work without Edit permission
CNXN-2557Manage System Documentation doesn't work without Edit permission
CNXN-2551Create queue event hook to allow processing to be skipped/delayed for specific message(s)
CNXN-2550NRE thrown by GETSEGMENT if the segment isn't found
CNXN-2549MessageContext.WriteEvent(EventSeverity.Fatal,...) should send the message to the error queue
CNXN-2548SSL hostname not correct when attempt SSL outbound HL7 connection
CNXN-2547Device Status on Client UI not updating properly
CNXN-2546Log when errors/day exceeds queue setting doesn't work
CNXN-2543HL7 tx v2 with both segment repeat and field repeat fails to properly evaluate the segment repeat
CNXN-2537Can't delete a tab if it contains a deleted channel
CNXN-2535Reset event id tracking when the alerts table is truncated
CNXN-2534EventHistory - Message about logs being dropped should be reported at most every 5 minutes
CNXN-2528Importing a channel for update and deselecting certain devices is broken
CNXN-2527HTML from queue preview window should not remain in C:\Users\codeuser\AppData\Local\Temp\ folder
CNXN-2525Forward/Back buttons appear to be broken in CXN UI
CNXN-2523Queue Device - Only 1 row gets copied when "Copy Row Contents" is clicked and multiple rows are selected
CNXN-2522Device Status should be cleared when the Device configuration changes
CNXN-2520Deleted channels are included in the plugin upgrade routine
CNXN-2519In the channel operations dialog one of the drop-downs as 2 x 'all'
CNXN-2518Switching a device type in the edit channel dialog may not fully set the correct device type
CNXN-2517HL7 map table filtering doesn't work if blank entries exist
CNXN-2515Repository UI updates (and overwrites dirty info) when it shouldn't
CNXN-2508Connexion Config Wizard doesn't get started if installation directory isn't default
CNXN-2507Exporting messages fails on large/busy database servers
CNXN-2504Database Maintenance - The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_PluginAssemblyFile_Plugin". The conflict occurred in database "CXN_Connexion", table "dbo.PluginAssemblyFile", column 'PluginKey'.
CNXN-2469Replace Channel - It would be nice to be able to update a channel's configuration from a channel file irrespective of channelKey, and deviceKeys



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