14.0 RC1

Released OnMarch 12, 2015
Release TypeRelease Candidate - Not for production use
Release LocationConnexion.14.0.5856.exe


Release Candidate 1 build.

Breaking Changes

Please see the breaking changes list here: Connexion.Core Interface Changes.

Fixes/Changes Made in this Release

CNXN-2233DefectQueueDevice - QueueDeviceViewModel2.SetMessageAsync potential bug
CNXN-2232DefectQueueDevice - "Purge & Reset Counters" does not always clear out the statistics
CNXN-2231DefectQueueDevice - Query Count button should be beside the Next/Prev arrows
CNXN-2229DefectQueueDevice - Processing History for messages that were processed in B5 do not display in B6
CNXN-2228DefectQueueDevice - "Purge All and Reset Counters" does not reset counters if there are no messages for the queue
CNXN-2227DefectQueueDevice - "Export Selected Message(s) to HL7Spy..." no longer functions
CNXN-2223DefectDeserialization fails for large message note in the UI
CNXN-2222DefectQueueDevice - Reprocess and Purge selected messages too close in the dropdown list
CNXN-2221DefectEventSubscriptionAttribute - It should be possible to have protected/private EventSubscriptions
CNXN-2220DefectHL7TransformDeviceV2 - methods that are decorated with EventSubscriptionAttribute should not show up in the drop down function list
CNXN-2217DefectTextViewer - No way to expand Large Data regions
CNXN-2216DefectHL7TransformDeviceV2 - Attached channel that has a number of transforms is quite slow to scroll
CNXN-2214DefectHL7TransformDeviceV2 - Longer than expected delay when selecting the next message in the HL7TransformDeviceV2 In message viewer
CNXN-2212DefectHL7TransformDevice - The first line is an empty line in the HL7Viewer. It should not be there.
CNXN-2211DefectClient - Medium size message causes the client to become unresponsive and use 500MB of memory
CNXN-2210DefectCustomCodeDevice - Derived classes such as the MModal.Hl7CdaCatalyst no longer function in the client pipe-line
CNXN-2209DefectClient Processing Pipeline not functioning properly
CNXN-2202DefectCustomCodeDevice - Missing references should be displayed in the Compiler Errors tab
CNXN-2201DefectIcons don't appear for custom devices in the create/edit channel dialog
CNXN-2200DefectServerTray - Start Connexion v14 option not greyed out even though the Service is running
CNXN-2198DefectTransformDevice - No way of detaching the debugger from a TransformDevice
CNXN-2197DefectClientProcessMessage - NotImplementedException in WPFCustomCodeDevice, TransformDevice, HL7TransformDeviceV2
CNXN-2195DefectInternal references (in the CCD) are not displayed / updated via the manage devices dialog.
CNXN-2194DefectThe system backup device needs to be updated with the new file writer device
CNXN-2193DefectTransformDevice - Code is being continually compiled on the client side
CNXN-2192DefectCode Devices - There should be a way of opting in/out of running code on the client side
CNXN-2191DefectClient - There look to be a number of "TODOs" maked in the code that could be bugs.
CNXN-2190DefectTransform Device - Clicking on the transform devices causes the channel configuration to become dirty
CNXN-2189DefectClient Databinding Errors - System.Windows.Data Errors. Various errors
CNXN-2188DefectClient Change Tracking Dialog - Appears even when disabled in the InstallWizard
CNXN-2187DefectQueue Device - Queue counts are missing from the Queue Device
CNXN-2185DefectClient - System.ArgumentException: "At least one object must implement IComparable." when editing a channel
CNXN-2184DefectCustomCodeDevice - Recreates the Custom Class everytime the channel starts
CNXN-2183DefectConfiguration failed to load - Path 'HeartbeatMessage'
CNXN-2182DefectPlugin manager UI doesn't show disabled plugins correctly. It also doesn't convey disabled plugins very well.
CNXN-2181DefectEmail Device fails to stop properly if it is in a retry loop
CNXN-2178DefectSecure sender device transfers entire certificate (pub+pri) and the processing loop doesn't play nicely with start/stop.
CNXN-2177DefectSystem Events - If the EventHistory table has been truncated, some events may be missed
CNXN-2176DefectQueue device logging text not representative of actual alert. No msg received alert missing.
CNXN-2175DefectSearch button in hl7viewer not working
CNXN-2170DefectXML Viewer selection jumps to the beginning when editing.
CNXN-2169DefectCustomCodeDevice/TransformDeviceV2 - Old compiled files are not being cleaned up properly
CNXN-2168DefectClient - Message processing chain
CNXN-2167DefectHL7TransformDeviceV2 - Single Stepping does not work properly
CNXN-2166DefectConcurrent File Writer no longer works in Cxn v14
CNXN-2165DefectEmail Alerts don't work in Cxn v14
CNXN-2164DefectSystemDevice - Email Test takes 100 seconds to timeout. Should have a shorter timeout.
CNXN-2163DefectTransformDevice - Displaying this device is very slow, CPU spikes high
CNXN-2162DefectCustomCodeDeviceV2 - Attachments in the MessageContext are missing on the Client side
CNXN-2161DefectCustomCodeDeviceV2 - Message generated states @:NullDevice when run from Client side
CNXN-2160DefectHL7TransformDeviceV2 - Attachments in the MessageContext are missing on the Client side
CNXN-2159DefectCustomCodeDeviceV2 - No way to order the Code files under the Code folder
CNXN-2158DefectTransformDevice - Control-S causes an "s" to be written in the code
CNXN-2157DefectTabs created during a channel import via double clicking a channel file don't have process info
CNXN-2156DefectClient - Do not log errors in the AssemblyResolver on thread abort from the client
CNXN-2155DefectFile writer device shows errors with heavy usage across multiple channels, and zip enabled.
CNXN-2154DefectChannel Edit - The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Device_Plugin".
CNXN-2153DefectDevices which alter a message, placed before a queue, can cause the outbound message viewer of the queue to fail to display the correct message
CNXN-2152DefectHL7TransformDeviceV2 - Copy/Paste of a Custom Code Function does not work
CNXN-2151DefectHL7TransformDeviceV2 - Very minor: Should refresh the Out Message when switching from Code tab back to Transform tab
CNXN-2150DefectHL7TransformDeviceV2 - Very minor: bleed through of "No Message" Text in the Outbound Message viewer
CNXN-2149DefectHL7TransformDeviceV2 - Transform code shows "Select Method" for all Custom Functions if there is a Code compilation issue
CNXN-2148DefectHL7TransformDeviceV2 - NotSupportedException: This type of CollectionView does not support changes to its SourceCollection from a thread differnt from the Dispatcher...
CNXN-2147DefectHL7TransformDeviceV2 - Editing the inbound message causes the cursor to jump to MSH-0 for each character typed
CNXN-2146DefectQueueDevice - If the database is full, Connexion continues to reprocess the same messages over and over
CNXN-2144DefectStarting a channel with a CCD or transform device which has never been clicked in the UI causes a compilation error on channel start.
CNXN-2143FeatureBug Report - Add the ability to include message data into the encrypted zip file
CNXN-2142FeatureTransform Device V2 - It would be nice to have a Start() and Stop() method that is automatically called when the device stops/starts
CNXN-2137DefectInstalling Connexion when the service account contains a "." causes the install to fail
CNXN-2136DefectText viewer hangs the client when long strings (base64 files etc) are displayed
CNXN-2120DefectMinor UI updates
CNXN-2119DefectConnexion Installer - Some projects are not properly versioned which could cause problems during upgrades
CNXN-2118DefectConnexion Installer - Should remember if the user installed just the client and default to "Install Client Application Only"
CNXN-2117DefectOutbound HL7 Device UI hangs in certain environments (AD Domain + remote connection)
CNXN-2115DefectConnexion installer install the service when 'client-only' is selected
CNXN-2113DefectShould load device assemblies for extracting categories in a dedicated app domain
CNXN-2110DefectMultiple version support breaks when using the ObjectDataProvider with TypeName
CNXN-2106DefectHL7 Tx V2 device locks up with validation errors on our NUC test system
CNXN-2104DefectPCDS Import Error when importing v13 channel into v14
CNXN-2090DefectConnexion Installer - It would be nice if UAC was not prompted for by the InstallWizard during install
CNXN-2088DefectRazor engine doesn't HTMLEncode attribute values
CNXN-2084DefectHL7 domain language intellisense is not ordered by index
CNXN-2083DefectChanging the type of an existing device into a CCD causes a database error
CNXN-2082DefectInstallWizard is not using the provided service account when creating the service.
CNXN-2079DefectMessageReaderDevice Error processing file.
CNXN-2078DefectDevice paused state gets out of sync when the paused state is changed and the channel is stopped.
CNXN-2077DefectThe file writer device errors messages if the working directory is unavailable.
CNXN-2076DefectQueue Device - Inconsistent query results returned when messages are reprocessed
CNXN-2075DefectGetting "BadImageFormatException" trying to PInvoke a 32 bit dll
CNXN-2074DefectMessageReaderDevice Error processing file.
CNXN-2072FeatureAfter doing a command-line import and scan of devices, channels still have the old devices selected.
CNXN-2070DefectModifications to messages are lost upon forwarding to another queue
CNXN-2065DefectCommand-Line Installation of Plug-in Devices Fails
CNXN-2064DefectQueue Database - Create the Queue database with a smaller initial size
CNXN-2063DefectInbound HL7 Device - Does not use correct logic when the new "Discard" Message is selected
CNXN-2035DefectUse alternate mechanism to determine what device assemblies are internal.
CNXN-2031DefectThe connexion installation wizard fails to install, when the available hard disk space is less than 1 - 2 GB (In my machine ,I was left wth ~1.5 GB SD space)