14.0 B5

Released OnJanuary 4, 2015
Release TypeBeta - Not for production use
Release LocationConnexion.14.0.5190.exe


Beta 5 release focusing on bug fixes and enhancements.


  • The ability to export events to a file.
  • The ability to debug / log outbound HL7 protocol information.
  • Outbound HL7 Device now supports sending a "keep alive" message to keep the interface connection alive across the WAN.
  • Improved File Writer Device performance, and functionality
  • The device import dialog(s) have been reworked to hopefully be more intuitive. To import a device, first open the device management dialog (same icon as before), and there is new button in the bottom left of the dialog "import device from flie". This will let you suck in devices per before.

Please note that systems should have at least 5GB of free space for successful install and testing.

Breaking Changes

Please see the breaking changes list here: Connexion.Core Interface Changes.

There are no known breaking changes from B4 to B5.

Fixes/Changes Made in this Release



DefectCommand-Line Installation of Plug-in Devices Fails


DefectQueue Database - Create the Queue database with a smaller initial size
CNXN-2062SuggestionDevice Status Updates should be batched together to better handle many simultaneous updates
CNXN-2061SuggestionFileWriterDevice - Various improvements and fixes
CNXN-2059DefectInbound HL7 Device - NREs when clicking on the Ack transform tab
CNXN-2058DefectFileWriter Device - Adding/Deleting Conditions does not always trigger the save channel button being enabled
CNXN-2057SuggestionFile writer device spins up a dedicated thread if configured for async copying (which is the default)
CNXN-2056DefectProcesses are launched for deleted tabs/groups (and should not be)
CNXN-2055DefectHL7 to XML device doesn't correctly save schema changes and doesn't reload/reprocess the current client message.
CNXN-2054DefectHL7 schema editor doesn't track dirty state for many fields
CNXN-2053DefectClient-side razor template execution not being registered.
CNXN-2052DefectInvokeDeviceMethod serialization/deserialization often fails
CNXN-2051DefectProcess Info not set when creating a new tab
CNXN-2050DefectDatabase Maintenance - Repository level default Message Retention property is being ignored
CNXN-2049SuggestionAdd checkbox to inbound HL7 to optionally discard filtered messages.
CNXN-2048Defect'Move to path' doesn't work in the file reader device if the type is 'file reader'
CNXN-2047DefectDeviceUI - Device name and Device status overlap when displayed together
CNXN-2046DefectQueue Device - Changing the MessageRetention does nothing. Always remains at 90 days
CNXN-2045DefectConnexion Queue - GetDeviceMessageRetentionInDays is called every time the queue is clicked
CNXN-2044DefectInbound HL7 Device - Should display the IP address of the device that is connecting, not the IP address of the server
CNXN-2043DefectChannel won't start with Concurrent File Writer Device
CNXN-2042SuggestionQueue Device - No easy way of seeing the total number of items in a queue
CNXN-2041DefectQueue Device - purging messages is very slow. Blocks all operations on all Queues
CNXN-2040DefectQueue Device - Statistics can go negative if the Queue is purged while receiving data
CNXN-2039DefectClient fails to view errors when there are a large number of records in EventHistory
CNXN-2038DefectAdd cleanup database option to the app server icon to cleanup the config db.
CNXN-2037DefectRemoved devices are still listening to UI events / throwing errors.
CNXN-2036DefectUI Issues
CNXN-2034DefectDetach Database - [SqlException] The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_ChannelGroup_Repository".
CNXN-2033DefectConnexion.ServerTray - Should be code signed so that warning shows trusted source
CNXN-2032DefectError message while installing Connexion v14
CNXN-2030DefectChannel export file dialog doesn't include actual cxn file name
CNXN-2029DefectAppendSegment HL7Transform function not working
CNXN-2028DefectProcess id is no longer displayed when hovering over a channel
CNXN-2023DefectInstaller - Installing an older version of an installer should display a message to the user
CNXN-2022DefectThe configuration wizard fails to properly configure the config database if the service user is set to 'local system'
CNXN-2014DefectThe device/plugin import screen is confusing
CNXN-2007DefectInstaller - Management Port shows "available" on port used by Connexion v13
CNXN-2006DefectInstaller - If minimum Windows Version not installed, a message to that effect should be displayed
CNXN-2005DefectQueueDevice - Add option to show/hide Account #
CNXN-2002SuggestionOutboundHL7Device - It would be nice to have a Heartbeat message send periodically to ensure connection stays open
CNXN-2001DefectBackups are failing with "Specified cast is not valid"
CNXN-2000DefectConnexion Installer should return a non-zero exit code when the install fails
CNXN-1997SuggestionHL7OutboundDevice - Should add protocol logging to help debug connection issues
CNXN-1996DefectMinor UI errors
CNXN-1993DefectConnexion.exe should return a non-zero exit code when an error occurs
CNXN-1992DefectConnexion: user receives an error message when attempting to use message queries
CNXN-1991DefectList of available channels in device config import doesn't include recently added via nuget
CNXN-1990DefectAdding a note in the documentation device fails
CNXN-1989DefectQuerying on "Message" in Queue resulting in Operation Failed
CNXN-1988DefectSelecting multiple channels to import only imports one channel file
CNXN-1987DefectMessages not flowing from Client Data Center to MModal Data Center
CNXN-1986SuggestionAutomated deployment of custom devices
CNXN-1985DefectHL7Message class ToString() performance issue
CNXN-1984DefectIssues with App Server fail-over, transferring channels to AppServers, and Execution Groups
CNXN-1982DefectConnexion V14B4 - Schedules CSV Channel is generating errors continuously for a failed record submitted through a CSV file.
CNXN-1981DefectMove to drop list in the Channel manager UI comes up blank sometimes
CNXN-1980DefectConnexion.exe -scan should impersonate the Connexion Service Account when run from the command line
CNXN-1978DefectException: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Plugin'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Plugin'. The duplicate key value is (797efd0b-49d9-4f29-b094-fbf7fd9dbff1).
CNXN-1977DefectStalled app server channels still appear as normal. The app server state should show on the channel.
CNXN-1976DefectCustom Device enable/disable/delete (management) needs verification
CNXN-1975DefectTemplate device fails with "template with key 'X' not found"
CNXN-1974DefectReprocess messages queue type logic isn't correct
CNXN-1972DefectMulti-Version Support - Edit/Create Channel does not use the latest device
CNXN-1970DefectFiltering the dashboard can hide the summary row
CNXN-1969DefectDatabase Maintenance - Backup not working for non-LocalDb databases