14.0 B4

Released OnSeptember 18, 2014
Release TypeBeta - Not for production use
Release LocationConnexion.14.0.4773.exe


Beta 4 release focusing on bug fixes and several new features.

New Features

More details / videos etc.

  1. Silent installs Improvements.
  2. New super-slick HL7 Transform Device V2. You have to check this beauty out! It is faster and more full-featured than its predecessor.  It is recommended that you use this new device over HL7 Transform Device V1 (more detail here: 14.0B4 New Features).
  3. Initial Support for Sql LocalDb. Installer will automatically download and install Sql Express 2014 LocalDb (~40MB download) if it is not already present (more detail here: 14.0B4 New Features).
  4. Initial Support for multiple versions of the same device (more detail here: 14.0B4 New Features).
  5. Initial Support for running channels in a 32-bit process (more detail here: 14.0B4 New Features).

Breaking Changes

Please see the breaking changes list here: Connexion.Core Interface Changes.

The Connexion.Core.IDeviceUiParameters and Connexion.Core.IClientChannel interfaces have changed. This may affect your channel if you subsribe to event within your device UI.

NOTE: All devices will need to be recompiled against the latest version of Connexion.Core.dll and Connexion.Device.dll found in this release.

Fixes/Changes Made in this Release 

CNXN-1967DefectDiff messages (when two selected in the queue) missing
CNXN-1966DefectServersUIVm - NRE in CanDeleteRepository
CNXN-1965DefectHL7 Transform Device V2 - Could not load type 'Connexion.Device.CustomFunctions' from assembly '39c2a1625df147b5998321f201785e28_Release_0, Version=2014.918.424.24, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
CNXN-1964DefectInstall Wizard - System.InvalidOpterationException: The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this
CNXN-1963DefectDatabase Maintenance - Configuration database does not display the Recovery Model
CNXN-1961StoryHL7 Expression Language - Support for multiple Appending multiple segments
CNXN-1960DefectChange the HL7 expression language to display '[x]' (and other valid blocks) in blue instead of red
CNXN-1959DefectConnexion - Support for 32-bit and 64-bit processes
CNXN-1958DefectCCD client-side message processing compiles with every new message
CNXN-1957DefectDatabase Maintenance - Backup information not dynamically updated on the client when a backup occurs
CNXN-1956DefectExport/Import Channels - Does not support multiple versions
CNXN-1951DefectConfiguration Import - Importing the configuration from a v13 channel file should not fail
CNXN-1950DefectChannel Import - Importing a channel should not fail if a device definition is missing
CNXN-1949DefectHL7TransformDevice - Global Condition not working in UI
CNXN-1948DefectServer Management - Show which App Server is active with text "Active" and maybe highlighting
CNXN-1946DefectShould be able to explicitly detach from debugging in the CCD
CNXN-1945DefectMessageContext.ClientMessageSource - What does this do?
CNXN-1944DefectMessageContext.IsNullMessage - what does this do?
CNXN-1942DefectAll Channels placed in their own tab
CNXN-1941TaskAdd multiple version support into the service
CNXN-1939DefectImporting a channel with a CCD containing references, the intellisense doesn't pick it up until Client restart
CNXN-1896DefectLicensing - Should enable enterprise features only when user has Enterprise license
CNXN-1588SubtaskCNXN-1585 HL7TransforDevice - Code review and potential refactoring required
CNXN-1585StoryCode Refactoring Required in Areas of the Product
CNXN-1569StoryProductionize Enterprise Connexion
CNXN-1566EpicSupport multiple device/assembly versions concurrently
CNXN-1558StoryAllow for Connexion Devices to be upgraded without restarting entire server.
CNXN-1547StorySetup - Should NGEN assemblies to improve startup performance