HL7 Send Using SSH

HL7 Send Using SSH

You can securely send HL7 messages using the HL7Spy Send tool over SSH. SSH stands for Secure SHell and it uses public-key/private key encrypted communications to prevent eavesdropping on the network traffic between HL7Spy and the HL7 Server receiving the messages.

Essentially a secure “tunnel” is established from HL7Spy to the HL7 Server through the SSH Server. The user name and password provide the credentials to the SSH Server which creates a secure communications channel. In the figure below, the SSH Server is creating a secure tunnel (route) between HL7Spy and the Mirth Integration Engine at mirth31.conevity.com, on port 11005.

The image below shows an example of configuring HL7Spy to communicate with an HL7 Server (mirth31.conevity.com) on port 11005 through the SSH Server (ssh.conevity.com). Note that in the Connection tab of the HL7 Destination configuration we are specifying the network port of the HL7 Server and that we have left the Host to be localhost. This is because the SSH server is taking care of routing communications going to port 11005, to the server mirth31.conevity.com. Depending on how your SSH Server is configured, you may need to set the Host to the address of the HL7 Server (in this case mirth31.conevity.com).


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