Command Line Options
Connexion.exe -?|help
Connexion.exe [-console]
Connexion.exe [-installplugins PATH] [-installchannels PATH] [-scan]
Option | Description |
-?|help | Show help |
-console | Runs Connexion in a console window, rather than as a service. |
-installplugins PATH | PATH - The file, or directory, path containing the .cxn, .zip, .nupkg file(s) packages to import. For zip files, each device plugin should be placed in a separate top level folder. |
-installchannels PATH | PATH - The file, or directory path containing the .cxn file(s) to import. Note: channels are only loaded one time; they are not updated. |
-scan | Scans and updates the Connexion device plugins found in the installation folder. |
Connexion.exe -installplugins "c:\temp\"
Connexion.Setup.exe [option(s)]
Option | Description |
-Quiet | -Silent | Run the installer in silent mode |
-NoInstallWizard | When defined, the InstallWizard Is not run |
-Log PATH | PATH - windows directory path Sets the directory where the log files of the Installer are placed |
-Uninstall | Uninstall the Connexion |
-Repair | Repair Connexion installation (or install if not installed) |
Connexion.Setup.exe -quiet -NoInstallWizard
NOTE: These options have changed as of Connexion v14 B5. In previous version it was possible to pass all the InstallWizard.exe, while this is still possible, it is recommended to run the installer with the -NoInstallWizard option, then separately run the InstallWizard.exe with the desired options in a separate step.
InstallWizard.exe [option(s)]
Option | Description |
-Quiet | -Silent | When set, the InstallWizard UI is not displayed |
-SiteName NAME | The name of the site. This is ued when sending email alerts |
-Licensee USER | USER - licensee provided by Inner Harbour Software |
-LicenseKey KEY | KEY - license provided by Inner Harbour Software The LicenseKey is required for Connexion to install. The Licensee is paired with the License Key and are distributed by Inner Harbor Software Corp. |
-ServiceAccountType TYPE | TYPE - one of: ConnexionServiceAccount, LocalSystemAccount, UserAccount |
-ServiceAccount USER | USER- windows user account WORKPC\REIS The user account that will be used to start the Connexion application. This only needs to be specified in ConnexionServiceAccountType = UserAccount. |
-ServiceAccountPassword PASSWORD | PASSWORD - password of the service application The password of the user account that will be used to start the Connexion service application. This only needs to be specified in ConnexionServiceAccountType = UserAccount |
-PrimaryPort PORT | PORT - an integer value |
-HealthCheckPort PORT | PORT - an integer value The port that the health check service runs on. The default value is 8088 |
-ChangeTrackingMode MODE | MODE - one of: None, OncePerSession, OncePerSave Determines whether users need to enter information each time a configuration change is made. |
-DatabaseType TYPE | TYPE - one of: LocalDB, ExistingSqlServer Determines the type of database that Connexion will run on. |
-ConnectionString STRING | STRING - the Sql Server connection string. eg "Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername; Password=myPassword;" Sets the database connection string that will be used by the Connexion service account to access the database |
-ElevatedConnectionString STRING | STRING - the Sql Server connection string. eg "Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername; Password=myPassword;" Sets the elevated connection string for the database used by the installer to create/update the database |
Example - Default user: __cxne_user__, and Sql Server using Integrated Security
InstallWizard.exe -Quiet -SiteName "Jonathan's Laptop" -Licensee "" -LicenseKey "<place LicenseKey here>" -ConnectionString "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=CXN_Connexion;Integrated Security=True" -ElevatedConnectionString "Data Source=.;Integrated Security=True"
NOTE: These options have changed as of Connexion v14 B5. In previous versions it was possible to install channels and plugins from the InstallWizard. Going forward please use Connexion.exe to perform these action.