Connecting to a remote Connexion Server

Connecting to a remote Connexion Server

The Connexion client application can connect across a network to a remote Connexion service. Client-server communications are encrypted by default, however you should never expose your Connexion management port(s) to the public internet. Use a VPN or other technology if you require communications over the internet.

After you’ve installed the Connexion client, it will attempt to connect to a service at the local loopback address ( If you have a local install of the Connexion service running, it will connect there. If not, it will show an ‘attempting to connect’ overlay.

You can either click the Edit Connections button or the servers icon in the top left corner. This will focus the servers screen where you can modify your Connexion server endpoints.

If you do not have a local running instance of the Connexion service, your screen will appear similar to the above image. Clicking the header area of the box in the left pane (where it says 'Connexion ( will display the connection information on the right side of the screen. Enter the IP or fully qualified DNS name of the Connexion service. If your service is not listening on the default port (8081), then enter the port specified when the service was installed.

If you do have a local instance of the Connexion service running, then you will click the Add Connection button.

This will add a new connection box where you can fill in the connection details.

In both cases, remember to click the Save button once you've entered the Host and Port (or ctrl + s). Once you save the new connection information, the client application will attempt to connect to the new address and port.

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