Split Messages

Split Messages

The "Split Message Collections" dialog can be activated by clicking on the button in the Toolbar, or selecting the "Tools/Split" from the main menu. As a result, the following dialog will be displayed.

  • Algorithm - The top portion of the dialog provides the different options for breaking out the messages. You can pick one of the five options that are described below:
    • Messages per file - Specify the number of messages you would like in each new file.
    • Size of each file - Specify the size in megabytes of each new file or message collection.
    • Time period per file - Specify the breakdown based on the date in MSH-7 (date/time of message). You can select from one of the following options:

    • Extract index range - Specify a starting and ending piont from within the range of messages to extract into a new file.
    • Extract date range - Specify date range of messages from MSH-7 to be extracted and placed into a new file.

  • Output Options
    • Add FSH/FTS - Wrap FHS/FTS segments around the batch of messages
    • Add BSH/BTS - Wrap BSH/BTS segements around the batch of messages 
    • Output Directory - Specify the location on your local computer where you would like the new files to be saved
    • Automatically open file(s) - When files have been generated, automatically open them in HL7Spy. Only the first 10 files will be opened
    • Automatically delete file when tab is closed - When a file is automatically opened by HL7Spy, the file will be deleted when the tab is closed if this option is checked 

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