Released On | July 29, 2016 |
Release Type | Production Release |
Release Location |
This is primarily a bug-fix release. Please note that if you are upgrading from a version prior to R9, you should review the changes to the channel import routines here.
Bug Fixes
Resolved | Description |
CNXN-2659 | Connexion32.exe Had to be Killed to regain control |
CNXN-2696 | Inbound HL7 Device - RA client sites are generating a large log file |
CNXN-2671 | Misleading tooltip on Connexion 14.0R10 system tray |
CNXN-2563 | Support variables in File Writer Device FTP directory path |
CNXN-2653 | Exporting output messages from the queue fails if the messages have been reprocessed |
CNXN-2654 | Gateway installer doesn't add start menu item for Config Wizard |
CNXN-2662 | Install can fail on the 'setting permissions to %programdata%' if there are many files |
CNXN-2663 | List of References increases upon each entry into Manage References |
CNXN-2666 | Auto Purging of Plugin Directory |
CNXN-2675 | Possible loss of logging events |
CNXN-2676 | Need Help in understanding EventBroker Errors |
CNXN-2677 | Directory creation doesn't work with FTP in the file writer |
CNXN-2678 | References in Custom Code Device are not updated properly when changing a plugin version |
CNXN-2679 | Import routine was broken in R10 where channels containing custom plugins may not have imported with the correct version |
CNXN-2680 | Recycle owner process dialog needs to have a maximum size or it is difficult to get to the buttons at the bottom |
CNXN-2681 | Import dialog box needs to have a maximum size or it is difficult to get to the buttons at the bottom |
CNXN-2682 | "Import Nuget From File" button should be on the Manage Custom Plugins dialog |
CNXN-2683 | [Compiler] - "Error could not find reference to plugin" message found in log file |
CNXN-2684 | BadImageFormatException - When importing a nuget package |
CNXN-2686 | EventBroker - Include better error message when the EventBroker.Register fails |
CNXN-2688 | Custom Code Compiler - Not always detecting when a recompile should happen. Results in incorrect assembly references |
CNXN-2690 | Channel Advanced Search - It would be nice to be able to multi-select in the search dialog to bring up several channels |
CNXN-2691 | Recycle Owner Process menu should also be on the tab |
CNXN-2693 | Device Info - Assembly References. Please sort this alphabetically |
CNXN-2694 | Custom Code Device - Channel Assembly References should be re-evaluated to determine if they are still valid |
CNXN-2695 | Custom Code Compiler - Recompiled always triggered for custom code devices with resources |
CNXN-2701 | File Writer Device should Auto Create the Directory if it doesn't exist |
CNXN-2706 | UI CCD may use the incorrect internal reference version |