Connexion v15 R1 (15.0.7780)

Connexion v15 R1 (15.0.7780)

Released On

Dec 20, 2018

Release TypeProduction Release

Gateway and Gateway Management Application: Connexion.Gateway.15.0.7780.exe

Gateway Management Application Only: Gateway.ManagementUI.15.0.7780.msi

Remote Integrator: Connexion.Integrator.15.0.7780.exe

Remote Agent Push Update: Integrator.RemoteAgent.15.0.7780.msi

Remote Updater A Push Update: Integrator.UpdaterA.15.0.7780.msi

Remote Updater B Push Update: Integrator.UpdaterB.15.0.7780.msi

CNXN-3385SuggestionRemoteAgent - User logs should be placed in their own log file similar to Connexion
CNXN-3382SuggestionGateway Alerts - Speed up the deleting of all records by using TRUNCATE TABLE
CNXN-3381DefectGateway - System.InvalidOperationException: 'Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.'
CNXN-3376DefectQueues set to parallel processing mode aren't properly setting the queue state
CNXN-3373DefectRA dashboard sorting not enabled/working
CNXN-3372DefectMassive mongo database prevents the loading of RA channel(s) during upgrade
CNXN-3371DefectHL7v2 XML sending not recognizing ACK in v15
CNXN-3369DefectSet RA batch compatibility to include detection of older v15 gateways
CNXN-3368DefectConnexion.ConfigurationWizard - [Exception] [SqlException] CREATE INDEX failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ANSI_PADDING'.
CNXN-3367DefectGateway.ConfigurationWizard - Error starting Service because Alerting Service is never shutdown
CNXN-3366SuggestionRepository - Add LastErrorDateTime to Repository table and entity object
CNXN-3365DefectGateway UI - Fatal 5725 [App] System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred.
CNXN-3364DefectRemoteAgent - Search by device key brings up wrong device
CNXN-3361SuggestionRemoteAgent - Prevent multiple instances of the Integrator.RemoteAgent.exe process from running
CNXN-3358DefectQueueDevice - Querying for all errors in a queue with 20,000,000 messages times out
CNXN-3357DefectGateway DeviceStatistic - rows for all Devices in table due to empty Device Status
CNXN-3356DefectGateway - DeviceKey may not be unique
CNXN-3355DefectEventHistory - Event History Query for Errors in last 30 minutes can prevent other stats from showing
CNXN-3354SuggestionEventHistory - Speed up EventHistory Queries especially when paging
CNXN-3353SuggestionLogging - Add the ability to filter or exclude messages from the EventHistoryLogger
CNXN-3352DefectLogging - Modifying the NLog.config while Connexion is running does reconfigure the logger settings due to error
CNXN-3351DefectNo gateway is selected for new remote agents if no 'default' gateway is set
CNXN-3350DefectMongoDb authentication can fail if Mongo doesn't start up quickly enough after the remote agent is started
CNXN-3349SuggestionChange certificate textboxes to drop-downs in GW config wizard
CNXN-3348DefectGateway ConfigWizard - [InstallTasksVM] Verification that the expected certificate ('') is bound to the correct port (8085) failed. 
CNXN-3347DefectDatabase Maintenance - Delete retry logic not working as expected in some stored procedures
CNXN-3346SuggestionIntegrator Dashboard - Show the number of paused devices per channel in the dashboard
CNXN-3344SuggestionGateway UI - Add bug report button and associated functionality
CNXN-3343DefectWhen manually inserting a single message and leaving the send. fac. field blank, the correct value isn't populated from the message
CNXN-3342DefectNullReferenceException - Task exception: Install / Upgrade Database
CNXN-3341SuggestionQueueDevice - speed up free text searches by partially decoding gzip stream in database (will not improve LZ4 Queues)
CNXN-3340SuggestionPhase out LZ4 Compression in Connexion
CNXN-3339DefectError deploying installer to a disabled Gateway
CNXN-3338DefectRemote integrator didn't install services in Windows 10 or Windows server
CNXN-3336SuggestionDevice Status - Improve serialization of EndpointCollection
CNXN-3335DefectClient - Slow startup performance due processing many RealtimeDeviceDisplayStatuses
CNXN-3334SuggestionBug Report - Add system stats and database server memory information to report
CNXN-3331SuggestionDatabase Maintenance - Allow database operations to be executed in parallel for different databases from the UI
CNXN-3330DefectConfigurationWizard - Remoting proxy timeout when running a long database migration
CNXN-3329SuggestionMove wildcard cert check higher in list of identities, and prioritize net.tcp
CNXN-3328TaskDisable profiling on mongodb (for remote agents)
CNXN-3327DefectQueue Device - Today statistics sometimes go negative
CNXN-3326SuggestionDon't log a warning when a file will be overwritten and 'Overwrite Files' is turned on
CNXN-3325DefectDifferencing of HL7 messages with many segments can be slow
CNXN-3324SuggestionDatabase Maintenance - There should be a system wide option to control how many database maintenances can be run in parallel
CNXN-3323SuggestionDatabase Maintenance - Should add a configuration for the Maintenance Window. Change default 3 to 6hrs
CNXN-3321DefectQueueDevice - Stats not properly cleared when Purge All & Reset Counters selected
CNXN-3320DefectNRE during device configuration import (from logs)
CNXN-3319DefectDatabase Maintenance - Very large database took 3hrs to query for unreferenced MessageData to delete
CNXN-3318DefectQueueDevice - Potential issue with database retry in StoreResultsAsync.  Critical database error occurred. Connection cannot be changed while async operation is in progress. 
CNXN-3317DefectQueueDevice -  Critical database error occurred. Connection cannot be changed while async operation is in progress. 
CNXN-3316DefectReplace Clipboard.SetText with Clipboard.SetDataObject
CNXN-3315DefectDelete All Channels in Tab shows channels that have already been  deleted
CNXN-3314SuggestionHL7 Outbound Device - Support for IPV6 address
CNXN-3313SuggestionHL7 Inbound/Outbound - Need tests that confirm SSL functions correctly
CNXN-3312DefectHL7InboundDevice - Potential threading issue with the HeartBeat message
CNXN-3311DefectHL7InboundDevice -  Error 5148 [Initializer] Unhandled exception in AppDomain Connexion.exe System.AggregateException
CNXN-3310DefectStatsClientManager -  Not sending stats to WpfStatsClient logging
CNXN-3309DefectArgumentOutOfRangeException - During InstallChannelsFromFile
CNXN-3308DefectDatabase Maintenance  - Timeout after 2 hours
CNXN-3307SuggestionManually Queue Message should have option to add message attachments
CNXN-3306DefectSql server 2017 compatibility issue 
CNXN-3305SuggestionAllow editing/scrolling of monitoring CCC even when disabled
CNXN-3303SuggestionIntegrator Gateway Manager Auditing
CNXN-3301SuggestionMongoQueue - Right-Click "Run Clean up Now" option
CNXN-3300DefectMemory usage very high during nightly purge for RA with many large queues
CNXN-3299DefectHL7TransformDevice/MapTable - Exception Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'
CNXN-3298SuggestionAdd map table duplicate name indicator
CNXN-3296DefectGlobal map tables accessed via code within a custom device don't work unless there is at least one standard global reference within the channel
CNXN-3293SuggestionUpdate alert email to include all types of errors which occurred in the previous interval
CNXN-3289SuggestionSQL-EF fails to load due to missing SQLite provider in RA
CNXN-3285SuggestionAdd an application-level flag to turn on stack traces.
CNXN-3283SuggestionAdd version field to Gateway and ConnexionInstance tables in the AS database
CNXN-3282DefectPotential Issue in routine ImportExport.ImportDeviceAssemblies
CNXN-3281SuggestionRIM - Delay loading channels until they are clicked
CNXN-3280DefectRA - Exporting channel from management UI does not export CCD assembly files
CNXN-3277DefectRemote Agent - Deploy Package Dialog - No way to refresh the contents
CNXN-3275DefectRA: paused devices get started when channel starts
CNXN-3274DefectDevice Manager checkboxes not cleared after upgrade
CNXN-3273DefectCCD-based devices not recompiled when the version is changed
CNXN-3272DefectRIM v15 Tag Deleted then couldn't be re-added successfully
CNXN-3271DefectRIM v15 Tags are pushing off the screen when the Tag Bar becomes full
CNXN-3270DefectRIM 15.0.6357 Vertical Scroll Bar disappears
CNXN-3269TaskFile reader can ingest zero-length files which throws on queue storage
CNXN-3268DefectRA - installer files (msi) should be deleted from the Package folder at startup if they are older than 7 days
CNXN-3267DefectRA - tmp files in the Plugin folder should be deleted
CNXN-3266TaskFile Chunking of Attachments is leaving files in C:\ProgramData\ConnexionV14\ChunkData
CNXN-3265DefectEventViewer - NRE
CNXN-3264SuggestionHL7Message - Add function to split an HL7Message into multiple based on a segment
CNXN-3263TaskAdd debug information for message databases found in the config wizard
CNXN-3261DefectGateways connected to different Advanced Services databases causes major problems
CNXN-3260SuggestionExecution Groups improvements
CNXN-3256SuggestionAdd output window to validator device showing design-time results
CNXN-3228DefectRIM 15 Remote Integrator Inbound Connector Device Showing Paused?
CNXN-3221StorySupport side-by-side installs of the 14.5 and 15 clients
CNXN-3155DefectConnexion Client - When the client gets disconnected from the server, the stats are wrong
CNXN-2626TaskDevice status into integrator statistics

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