System configuration
The System Configuration option contains items that pertain to the entirety of the Connexion system. These include storing documentation, configurations, backups and change management. Click on the System configuration icon (the gear wheel) to see the available options. Each option is on its own tab.
The Documentation tab allows you to add documentation to Connexion. This may be related to a particular channel or device, or it may be general information. The device includes a Rich Text editor that enables you to enter text and apply formatting.
To add documentation:
- Click Add new note. The device will display the date/time stamp the documentation was created and who it was added by.
- Double-click on the Description field to add a description of the documentation.
- Use the Rich Text Editor at the bottom of the screen to add the documentation. Formatted text (bold, italic, underline) is supported, as well as bullet lists, numbered lists, and indents.
- If desired, add an attachment by clicking the Attach a file icon below the list of documentation. Navigate to the location of the attachment, select it, and click Open (an attachment can be used in addition to, or instead of, the Rich Text Editor).
- Click Save system configuration.
To remove a note, select it in the list and click Remove Note.
Site settings
Site settings control the frequency of alerts, the content, and the recipients that should receive alert information.
General system-level settings
Settings in this section control how frequently alert emails are sent, as well as the contents of those emails.
It is possible for the system to generate alerts quite frequently, especially if it is error-prone. Generating an alert email for every error/warning would overwhelm the recipient. Therefore, Connexion aggregates alert emails and sends one email with multiple alert messages. Set the minimum interval to wait before sending an email in the Minimum Alert Interval field. This value is set in minutes. In the above example, the system will aggregate all errors/warnings for five minutes before sending an email.
Connexion will also email a general "state of the system" message. This email lists all of the channels, their states (running or stopped), the group to which the channel belongs, the number of errors in the last 30 minutes and other message information. By default, the email is sent once every 24 hours, but it is possible to send it more frequently by changing the value of the Send Snapshot Interval field. This value is set in hours. If this field is zero (0), no snapshot will be sent.
You can also choose to include line graph charts of system information with the snapshot. These charts illustrate information such as the number of messages per hour in each state (queued, processed, errored, filtered). If you want the alert email to include these charts, select the Include Charts option.
Alert Settings
The Alert Settings control which email addresses alerts are sent to, as well as the SMTP server and ports to use for email transmission and whether or not to use SSL encryption when sending emails.
The following fields are available:
- Administrator email addresses: these are the email addresses that should receive alerts. If you list multiple emails, the list should be delimited with a semi-colon ( ; ).
- SMTP Server: The address of the SMTP server that is used to send the emails (for example.
- From Address: The address that will appear in the "from" field on the alert email.
- Username: The username for the email server.
- Password: The password for the email server.
- Port: The port used to send the email.
- Enable SSL: Check this box to use SSL encryption for the alert emails.
To confirm that alert emails are sent correctly, click the Send Test Email button.
Excluded Events
You can choose to exclude certain events from the alert emails. For example, you may know that a certain event ID is associated with a warning that can be ignored for normal processing. If this is the case, you can exclude them from alert emails.
To exclude events, enter the applicable event IDs. Multiple IDs should be separated by a comma ( , ). You can insert comments by entering a pound sign/hashtag ( # ) and typing the comment text. You should type the comma after the event ID, otherwise, the comma delimiter will be included with the comment text and ignored. Remember, an event ID is associated with a particular error or warning. In the example above, 5083 is associated with a specific database error. Another error (for example, with another database) would have a different event ID.
Change History
On the Change History tab, you can see all of the changes to the various channels. Use the drop-down to view changes for different channels.
The tab will list all changes that have happened in the channel, including a date/time stamp, the user who made the change, any comments, and a summary of the change. If there are multiple pages of changes, use the arrow keys to browse.
At the bottom of the screen is an area for comparison. You can compare the selected change to the next version, the previous version, or itself by using the radio buttons. You can also see different views of the change:
- Diff: Select this option to view a list of the changes in the selected version of the channel compared to the previous/next version.
- Summary: Select this option to view a tabular list of the changes; the number of changes is displayed in the Delta column.
- UI: Select this option to view a UI representation of the changes.
The comparison pane will always indicate which versions of the channel are being compared (depending on your selection).
In the above illustration, Version 0 is being compared to Version 1 (which is the next version of the channel).
Channel backups
You can configure Connexion to back up a channel nightly whenever any changes are made. If you enable this feature, channel backups are made every day at midnight if changes to the channel configuration are detected.
Enable automatic nightly backups by selecting the checkbox at the top of the tab. Once you have enabled automatic backups, you can specify which action to take when the backup is created.
- Copy File: This option copies the backup file to the specified location. Enter the destination in the Destination field and be sure to include a file name. This file name can include variables, such as appending a date or a counter. Click the blue question mark icon to see a list of possible variables. To ensure that the file can be written, make sure the Connexion service has write permissions for the target destination.
- FTP File: This option allows you to send the backup file via FTP. Specify the target destination in the Destination field. As with the Copy File option, this should include the file name and you can use variables (such as a timestamp) in the name. Click the blue question mark icon to see a list of variables. Enter the username and password (if applicable) to be used in the FTP process and specify whether to use SSL encryption for the transfer. Important: If you do not use SSL encryption, FTP usernames/passwords and PHI will be vulnerable to unauthorized access.
For both of these actions, you have the option to compress the file in question. Check the box to compress the resulting backup file; this is useful if the backup file is of a large size (as with complicated channels). If you want to use AES 256 encryption on the compressed file, enter a password. This password will then be required when the file is decompressed.