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Released On

April 16, 2020

Release TypeBeta



Breaking Change! - Security Audit Logging

Due to the new security features previous versions of the Connexion.Client.exe and Gateway.ManagementUI.exe are not compatible.

.NET 4.8 may need to be manually installed if your systems don't have internet access.

Breaking Change! - Certificate Rotation

R6 introduces Certificate Rotation which forces the Integrator to create a self-signed certificate on a rotating basis. If an Integrator is unable to communicate with the Gateway because of a downgrade to R5 then you will need to use the "Break Glass" feature to re-establish the communications link.

See Certificate Rotation

Gateway and Gateway Management Application: Connexion.Gateway.15.0.18623.exe

Gateway Management Application Only: Gateway.ManagementUI.15.0.18623.msi

Remote Integrator: Connexion.Integrator.15.0.18623.exe

Remote Agent Push Update: Integrator.RemoteAgent.15.0.18623.msi

Remote Updater A Push Update: Integrator.UpdaterA.15.0.18623.msi

Remote Updater B Push Update: Integrator.UpdaterB.15.0.18623.msi


CNXN-3838SuggestionGateway - Add a settings file that does not get overwritten during installation

CNXN-3837SuggestionRequest Phi User Action Auditing to log files for Gateway

CNXN-3836SuggestionConnexion - Add a settings file that does not get overwritten during installation

CNXN-3835DefectIssue with adding multiple plugins in the same assembly file

CNXN-3834SuggestionRequest Phi User Action Auditing to log files for Connexion

CNXN-3833SuggestionConsider changing an error to a warning or lower

CNXN-3829DefectChannels not starting in newly created group on Active/Passive Connexion Setup

CNXN-3827DefectConnexion Client shows group/tab level globals missing after restarting

CNXN-3826SuggestionSlashes being striped from variables used in file writer destination path

CNXN-3825SuggestionExpose Group and Tab information for use in Custom Code

CNXN-3824SuggestionDelete Message Content when message successfully processed or filtered

CNXN-3823DefectAssemblyResolver - StackOverflowException due to recursive assembly resolving

CNXN-3822DefectGlobals may be imported even though they are not marked for import

CNXN-3821SuggestionConnexion - Should include ProcessId in log file statements

CNXN-3820DefectHL7 Parser Exception including entire contents of binary file

CNXN-3819DefectIncorrect version of plugin used in the create/edit channel dialog in the RIM

CNXN-3818TaskInvestigate if the GW cleanup routine is running on multiple gateways

CNXN-3817TaskShould not be able to delete a Gateway that is still referenced by RemoteAgents

CNXN-3816DefectConnexion Client - Pausing a CC device shows channel as Running/P in some channels, but not others

CNXN-3815DefectConnexion Client -  System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 



Create PDB files for release builds of custom code

CNXN-3813DefectGateway Alerting Service - Does not log errors/warnings/info generated by itself

CNXN-3812TaskRevert potentially breaking validation checks in the v15 filewriter (Multi-filewriter issues)



Re-implement message watermarking per audit and 3M requirements

CNXN-3809SuggestionModify the remote agent to support trusted cert on loadbalancer and untrusted on gateway

CNXN-3808DefectSystem channel devices can be marked deleted going from 15 -> 14.5 -> 15

CNXN-3807DefectHL7 Validation device doesn't support paths containing dot (.) with mongo storage

CNXN-3806SuggestionIntegrator - Create simple UI for "Break Glass" recovery mode

CNXN-3805DefectRemoteAgent - Starting/Stopping a specific channel will attempt to stop/start channels that previously had errors starting 

CNXN-3804SuggestionRemoteAgent - Make channel reconfigure behavior more like Connexion's

CNXN-3803SuggestionUser should be able to choose the target of a file during manual queue message (attachment vs. userstorage)

CNXN-3802DefectManage Tag Window needs a Vertical Scroll Bar

CNXN-3800DefectPreferred gateway not updated if the remote agent is locked by you

CNXN-3799DefectFilter count in queue statistics always shows zero in Gateway Manager UI

CNXN-3798DefectRepository database backup may be running when configured not to

CNXN-3797DefectConnexion Client -  Compiler cannot be called when there are no Code Files configured.

CNXN-3796DefectConnexion Client - Connexion.Queue.Base.QueueDeviceViewModel:Failed to load the queue message retention value: [Exception] [Exception] Plugin 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 not found

CNXN-3795DefectAuditing - no way of debugging the custom code

CNXN-3792DefectConnexion Branch Device - Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed.

CNXN-3791DefectCCD OnBeforeChannelSave event is async void but needs to be void or async task

CNXN-3790DefectIntegrator - Alert Counts in the last 24 hours are being calculated incorrectly

CNXN-3789SuggestionIntegrator - Show the number of Alerts Today on a device in the UI

CNXN-3788SuggestionIntegrator - Show the Last Error Text in the Channel

CNXN-3785TaskComodo has changed names and now requires a new intermediate certificate.

CNXN-3784DefectGeneric branch destination combobox clears out during a filter operation


Option in Install Wizard to Regenerate ApplicationServerKey

Note: Only available when in admin mode.

CNXN-3781SuggestionCustom queue retention should be part of channel backup

CNXN-3779SuggestionEventHistory - Should use varchar(max) instead of nvarchar(max) for query text

CNXN-3778SuggestionRunning multiple versions of Connexion Client on same machine results in plugin conflicts

CNXN-3776SuggestionUpdaterA/ServerTray - .NET assembly version collisions due to sharing same install directory

CNXN-3775DefectChannel checkbox and plugin version drop-down not displaying properly

CNXN-3772TaskMongo unit tests not always passing

CNXN-3771DefectMultithreading max parallelism option is missing in 15.0.17699

CNXN-3770SuggestionOutboundHL7Device - Support of TCP v6 addresses 

CNXN-3769DefectIntegrator - Certificate Rotation: Remote Agent configuration failed to save: [AbandonedMutexException] The wait completed due to an abandoned mutex. 

CNXN-3768DefectGeneric branch device randomly stops working on remote agent

CNXN-3767DefectHL7Outbound device should perform dns lookup if reconnect fails

CNXN-3766DefectCustom Code Device - [BadImageFormatException] The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.

CNXN-3765DefectConnnexion Visual Studio server side debugging not working intermittently

CNXN-3764DefectChanging RA MongoDB path in the installer caues the installer to crash

CNXN-3762DefectSaving a channel causes all devices to be updated, even if they have not been changed

CNXN-3761SuggestionConnexion - Provide More information about channel/device changed in the Audit Log

CNXN-3760DefectConnexion Client/Server should not use the same temp directory

CNXN-3759DefectUnable to wire up Integrator Inbound/Outbound connector devices unless user is not in Admin group

CNXN-3753DefectHL7 Validator device is broken

CNXN-3752DefectExporting a plugin to nuget creates an empty file

CNXN-3750SubtaskIntegrator - "Break Glass" recovery of one or more Remote Integrators

CNXN-3749StoryIntegrator - Improvements to the certificate management required by 3M

CNXN-3748TaskImplement Optional Compact Mongo DB after maintenance


Upgrade from Mongo 3.4 (end of support Jan 31 2020)

CNXN-3746DefectNewly imported channels don't always show up for limited privilidge users

CNXN-3744DefectQueue type not honored if it changes in the last device in the channel

CNXN-3743TaskUserStorage + MultiFileWriter split field may not be working (still on user context)

CNXN-3741TaskAdd Copy\Paste functionality to the Q Retention column of the v15 RIM

CNXN-3740DefectGroup/Tab not set to "ALL" in Device Configuration Search resulting in NRE

CNXN-3739SuggestionFileWriterDevice - Needs some in UI documentation and cleanup

CNXN-3738DefectCore - Allow MessageContext.Message to be null when there is not primary message. Store it as string.empty

CNXN-3737DefectFileWriterDevice - Writes an empty file to destination directory when context.Message is null, or empty

CNXN-3735SuggestionAdd multi-select to map tables (for delete)

CNXN-3733DefectFileWriter requires context.Message not be null even if write attachments only is enabled

CNXN-3732DefectDevice Configuration Search - Should escape '\' with '\\' in query

CNXN-3731DefectCustom Code Device - Should be able to search code when a channel is locked


Connexion Gateway - Add a Validation cluster type

Note: This applies to new gateway cluster deployments only.

CNXN-3728SuggestionAdd 'download only' mode to ftp reader device


Add simple ftp browsing to the ftp device ui

Note: With the implementation of CNXN-3719 (max message size), this feature allows you to manually connect to the source FTP server and download/delete the very large file.

CNXN-3725SuggestionInboundHL7Device - Should Pre-Pend CXN- to Message Control ID (MSH-10) 

CNXN-3724SuggestionConnexion Maximum Message size - Should throw an exception before an OutOfMemoryException is thrown

CNXN-3723DefectMessageChannel - Logger some times shows [] when it should show the Group/Tab/ChannelName

CNXN-3722SuggestionConnexion - Add better diagnostics when a OutOfMemoryException occurs

CNXN-3721DefectConnexion.Core - Message.ToString() should not clear the Message.IsDirty flag


FileReader - Option to set max message size

Note: Very large messages (1+ GB can cause out of memory exceptions which can cause an execution group to recycle). The file reader device now has a configurable (default=100MB) message size cap. Larger messages will cause an error to be logged and the large file skipped.


FtpReader - Option to set max message size

Note: Very large messages (1+ GB can cause out of memory exceptions which can cause an execution group to recycle). The FTP reader device now has a configurable (default=100MB) message size cap. Larger messages will cause an exception to be thrown and processing to halt.

CNXN-3718Task[ProcessWrapper] - Process 00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 has unexpectedly exited.

CNXN-3717SuggestionConnexion Integrator Installer - Upgrade to .NET 4.8

CNXN-3716DefectConnexion/RA - DLL HELL - Assembly binding to .NET standard libraries of different versions causes issues

CNXN-3715SuggestionConnexion Gateway - Upgrade to .NET 4.8

CNXN-3714SuggestionConnexion Client- Upgrade to .NET 4.8



Connexion - Upgrade to .NET 4.8

CNXN-3711TaskGateway servers only are able to have one endpoint


Ability to filter the plugin list via typing (on the create/edit channel dialog)

CNXN-3706DefectFile already exists error when importing Connexion devices

CNXN-3705DefectInternal assemblies with no corresponding plugin directory file are not resolved from the exe directory

CNXN-3704TaskAbility to create actionable URIs to connexion channels

CNXN-3703DefectUpgrading a device that had DeviceDefinitionFlags.None to one that has DeviceDefinitionFlags.CanProcessInParallel still won't allow the multithreaded queue setting

CNXN-3701DefectSql Queue Device - Under very heavy load with multiple queues in a row, stopping/starting the queue many times can result in a message being processed twice

CNXN-3695TaskUnify code from Cxn UI/Mgmt UI which caches category and icon.

CNXN-3687TaskAbility to perform HIPAA logging at system-level rather than channel-level

CNXN-3600SuggestionAdd a new Message Processing Pipeline option to process messages in batches

CNXN-3587TaskAbility to hook into auditing events (user actions)

CNXN-3584TaskAdd optional extra step to viewing a message. Integrate explicit content viewing with an audit event.

CNXN-3552StoryImplement a new event hook mechanism for audit logging

CNXN-3448StoryCreate a way to Mass update connexion device settings
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