Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Please note that we encountered an issue with the channel cloning routine in the original 14.5.430 release. Please also note that this release utilizes the .NET 4.5.2 framework version. This may cause installations to be slower than normal since this version of the framework may need to be downloaded and installed during setup (typically on older OSs like Windows 7 and 2008R2). If .NET is upgraded, you may see NGEN working away for some time (up to 10 minutes) before your channels are able to start.

Released OnMay 6May 26, 2016
Release TypeBeta Release
Release Location

Connexion 14.5: Connexion.14.5.433.Setup.exe

Gateway and Gateway Management Application: Connexion.Gateway.14.5.433.Setup.exe

Gateway Management Application: Gateway.ManagementUI.14.5.433.msi

Remote Integrator: Connexion.Integrator.14.5.433.Setup.exe

Remote Integrator Queue: Connexion.Queue.Mongo.14.5.446.0.nupkg

This release is mainly bug-fixes to the beta 2 build. There is one major feature update (shared with the R9 release):

In prior versions of Connexion, the channel import routine relied solely on the channel and device keys when attempting to match channels within a file to existing channels in a system. This system worked well when importing a small number of channels and when the source of the channel file was always the same. This has become problematic since there are scenarios where channel and device keys will change (for example, importing the same channel file twice into different tabs or groups). These newly imported channels (with new keys) can never be exported and overwrite a matching set of channels in another Connexion instance.


In each case, the update routine has been improved and will attempt to add and remove devices to match the channel file structure. Please note that queue devices are never removed during an import - you must manually remove queues.

We have also updated the routine which attempts to "fix up" device configurations post-import. For example, this is how a branch device being imported into a new system knows where to point post-import. Please pay particular attention to any devices which reference other devices/channels and double-check that messages are being sent to the correct destination.


Connexion Tickets Resolved

Up to

Issue with "set as Active Application Server" function

CNXN-2555Delete Channel fails if user doesn't have Edit authorization
CNXN-2556Manage Custom Plugins unable to change device version in a channel
CNXN-2559Manage Authorization doesn't work properly
CNXN-2561Manage Application Servers allows user to edit CXN_Connexion database settings
CNXN-2569Branch device selection should exclude MongoDb queues since they will cannot be branched to
CNXN-2587PostOnChannel can hang under certain conditions
CNXN-2585Channel Change Tracking - Should keep 60 days of changes on file for debugging purposes
CNXN-2584Create a better channel drop down with filtering
CNXN-2583Cannot Select which RI inbound connecter to connect to from RA client
CNXN-2581Ability to stop a channel from custom code
CNXN-2580Copy Selected Messages to Queue doesn't copy attachments
CNXN-2579NLog's archiving is poorly implement. Archiving of log files should be managed by Connexion
CNXN-2577Setup Software for Connexion does not recognize proper DB Version
CNXN-2576Logging - Editing the app.config causes Logging/Alerting to stop functioning properly
CNXN-2575Up to 50 events are lost if no event is generated in about one hour
CNXN-2574Include Charts in Snapshots not working and charts incorrect
CNXN-2573Connexion server UI tags active app server incorrectly in failover setting
CNXN-2572Alert Groups do not follow tabs and channels configuration
CNXN-2571Alert Schedule not followed by groups in alerting configuration
CNXN-2570Disk Space Disk Space Alert doesn't work
CNXN-2567Incorrect number 2569Info level alerts are not being forwarded to custom alert code
CNXN-2568At times the Connexion Client won't Launch
CNXN-2567Incorrect number of RA Clients listed on the "Authorized" tab
CNXN-2549MessageContext.WriteEvent(EventSeverity.Fatal,...) should send the message to the error queue
CNXN-2552New install of 14.5 fails with sql script error
CNXN-2553Client - starting up the client causes an attempt to create a new channel on the server2566Exception on Steve's Machine - InsufficientMemoryException - An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full
CNXN-2564Edit and Edit and Requeuing a message with a collapsed block may cause the collapsed region to region to become corrupted
CNXN-2573Connexion server UI tags active app server incorrectly in failover setting
CNXN-2576Logging - Editing the app.config causes Logging/Alerting to stop functioning properly
CNXN-2580Copy Selected Messages to Queue doesn't copy attachments
CNXN-2576Logging - Editing the app.config causes Logging/Alerting to stop functioning properly
 2562Manage Channel Backups doesn't work without Edit permission
CNXN-2561Manage Application Servers allows user to edit CXN_Connexion database settings
CNXN-2560Manage Groups error navigating to new group
CNXN-2559Manage Authorization doesn't work properly
CNXN-2558Manage Alerting doesn't work without Edit permission
CNXN-2557Manage System Documentation doesn't work without Edit permission
CNXN-2556Manage Custom Plugins unable to change device version in a channel
CNXN-2555Delete Channel fails if user doesn't have Edit authorization
CNXN-2554Recycle Owner Process throws FaultException
CNXN-2553Client - starting up the client causes an attempt to create a new channel on the server
CNXN-2552New install of 14.5 fails with sql script error
CNXN-2549MessageContext.WriteEvent(EventSeverity.Fatal,...) should send the message to the error queue


Integrator Tickets Resolved
