Ticket | Type | Summary |
CNXN-3881 | Defect | Connexion Client System Configuration - Change History does not display changes |
CNXN-3880 | Defect | Channel Backup - NRE when running channel back up from the UI if channel backups are disabled |
CNXN-3879 | Defect | Connexion Client - Forward/Back buttons do not seem to track history properly |
CNXN-3877 | Task | AddTrust certificate expiration patch |
CNXN-3875 | Defect | Custom Code - Forwarding/Branching a message to multiple destinations that span multiple Repositories can result in messages being routed to the wrong queue |
CNXN-3874 | Defect | Client Channel Search no longer supports multi-select |
CNXN-3873 | Task | Investigate if deleted channels are showing up in the plugin manager dialog |
CNXN-3871 | Suggestion | Bug Report - Files in bug report should have the original create/modified datetimes |
CNXN-3869 | Task | HL7 branch device should throw an exception when starting with invalid destinations |
CNXN-3867 | Defect | Connexion branching data to channel in another group |
CNXN-3860 | Suggestion | RA Gateway - Database should prevent multiple groups of the same name, and multiple tabs within a group with the same name |
CNXN-3859 | Suggestion | Connexion - Database should prevent multiple groups of the same name, and multiple tabs within a group with the same name |
CNXN-3858 | Suggestion | Don't allow group deletion for groups with channels |
CNXN-3857 | Defect | Gateway UI - Deleted Groups are not removed from the Group dropdown |
CNXN-3853 | Defect | Queue Scheduler - There needs to be help for the CRON string format |
CNXN-3849 | Suggestion | FileWriterDevice - Option to manually trigger the processing of the current file |
CNXN-3848 | Suggestion | Add day of the week to the time condition of the file writer |
CNXN-3847 | Defect | Channel change tracking list not showing properly in latest R6 beta |
CNXN-3846 | Task | Remote Agent [IOException] Recovery policy configured for this system contains invalid recovery certificate. |
CNXN-3844 | Defect | Gateway UI - Threading error when deleting the default tab in a group. Using non-UI thread to update a collection bound to a UI |
CNXN-3842 | Defect | AppendTimezoneToAllDates() Not appending Timezone offset to TS datatypes |
CNXN-3841 | Defect | Cloning or Export/Import of channels breaks User Settings Device Configuration |
CNXN-3840 | Defect | An exception is thrown by the Connexion.Share.Initializer in unit test code |
CNXN-3838 | Suggestion | Gateway - Add a settings file that does not get overwritten during installation |
CNXN-3837 | Suggestion | Request Phi User Action Auditing to log files for Gateway |
CNXN-3836 | Suggestion | Connexion - Add a settings file that does not get overwritten during installation |
CNXN-3835 | Defect | Issue with adding multiple plugins in the same assembly file |
CNXN-3834 | Suggestion | Request Phi User Action Auditing to log files for Connexion |
CNXN-3833 | Suggestion | Consider changing an error to a warning or lower |
CNXN-3829 | Defect | Channels not starting in newly created group on Active/Passive Connexion Setup |
CNXN-3827 | Defect | Connexion Client shows group/tab level globals missing after restarting |
CNXN-3826 | Suggestion | Slashes being striped from variables used in file writer destination path |
CNXN-3825 | Suggestion | Expose Group and Tab information for use in Custom Code |
CNXN-3824 | Suggestion | Delete Message Content when message successfully processed or filtered |
CNXN-3823 | Defect | AssemblyResolver - StackOverflowException due to recursive assembly resolving |
CNXN-3822 | Defect | Globals may be imported even though they are not marked for import |
CNXN-3821 | Suggestion | Connexion - Should include ProcessId in log file statements |
CNXN-3820 | Defect | HL7 Parser Exception including entire contents of binary file |
CNXN-3819 | Defect | Incorrect version of plugin used in the create/edit channel dialog in the RIM |
CNXN-3818 | Task | Investigate if the GW cleanup routine is running on multiple gateways |
CNXN-3817 | Task | Should not be able to delete a Gateway that is still referenced by RemoteAgents |
CNXN-3816 | Defect | Connexion Client - Pausing a CC device shows channel as Running/P in some channels, but not others |
CNXN-3815 | Defect | Connexion Client - System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type |
CNXN-3814 | Task | Create PDB files for release builds of custom code |
CNXN-3813 | Defect | Gateway Alerting Service - Does not log errors/warnings/info generated by itself |
CNXN-3812 | Task | Revert potentially breaking validation checks in the v15 filewriter (Multi-filewriter issues) |
CNXN-3810 | Story | Re-implement message watermarking per audit and 3M requirements |
CNXN-3809 | Suggestion | Modify the remote agent to support trusted cert on loadbalancer and untrusted on gateway |
CNXN-3808 | Defect | System channel devices can be marked deleted going from 15 -> 14.5 -> 15 |
CNXN-3807 | Defect | HL7 Validation device doesn't support paths containing dot (.) with mongo storage |
CNXN-3806 | Suggestion | Integrator - Create simple UI for "Break Glass" recovery mode |
CNXN-3805 | Defect | RemoteAgent - Starting/Stopping a specific channel will attempt to stop/start channels that previously had errors starting |
CNXN-3804 | Suggestion | RemoteAgent - Make channel reconfigure behavior more like Connexion's |
CNXN-3803 | Suggestion | User should be able to choose the target of a file during manual queue message (attachment vs. userstorage) |
CNXN-3802 | Defect | Manage Tag Window needs a Vertical Scroll Bar |
CNXN-3800 | Defect | Preferred gateway not updated if the remote agent is locked by you |
CNXN-3799 | Defect | Filter count in queue statistics always shows zero in Gateway Manager UI |
CNXN-3798 | Defect | Repository database backup may be running when configured not to |
CNXN-3797 | Defect | Connexion Client - Compiler cannot be called when there are no Code Files configured. |
CNXN-3796 | Defect | Connexion Client - Connexion.Queue.Base.QueueDeviceViewModel:Failed to load the queue message retention value: [Exception] [Exception] Plugin 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 not found |
CNXN-3795 | Defect | Auditing - no way of debugging the custom code |
CNXN-3792 | Defect | Connexion Branch Device - Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed. |
CNXN-3791 | Defect | CCD OnBeforeChannelSave event is async void but needs to be void or async task |
CNXN-3790 | Defect | Integrator - Alert Counts in the last 24 hours are being calculated incorrectly |
CNXN-3789 | Suggestion | Integrator - Show the number of Alerts Today on a device in the UI |
CNXN-3788 | Suggestion | Integrator - Show the Last Error Text in the Channel |
CNXN-3785 | Task | Comodo has changed names and now requires a new intermediate certificate. |
CNXN-3784 | Defect | Generic branch destination combobox clears out during a filter operation |
CNXN-3783 | Suggestion | Option in Install Wizard to Regenerate ApplicationServerKey Note: Only available when in admin mode. |
CNXN-3781 | Suggestion | Custom queue retention should be part of channel backup |
CNXN-3779 | Suggestion | EventHistory - Should use varchar(max) instead of nvarchar(max) for query text |
CNXN-3778 | Suggestion | Running multiple versions of Connexion Client on same machine results in plugin conflicts |
CNXN-3776 | Suggestion | UpdaterA/ServerTray - .NET assembly version collisions due to sharing same install directory |
CNXN-3775 | Defect | Channel checkbox and plugin version drop-down not displaying properly |
CNXN-3772 | Task | Mongo unit tests not always passing |
CNXN-3771 | Defect | Multithreading max parallelism option is missing in 15.0.17699 |
CNXN-3770 | Suggestion | OutboundHL7Device - Support of TCP v6 addresses |
CNXN-3769 | Defect | Integrator - Certificate Rotation: Remote Agent configuration failed to save: [AbandonedMutexException] The wait completed due to an abandoned mutex. |
CNXN-3768 | Defect | Generic branch device randomly stops working on remote agent |
CNXN-3767 | Defect | HL7Outbound device should perform dns lookup if reconnect fails |
CNXN-3766 | Defect | Custom Code Device - [BadImageFormatException] The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest. |
CNXN-3765 | Defect | Connnexion Visual Studio server side debugging not working intermittently |
CNXN-3764 | Defect | Changing RA MongoDB path in the installer caues the installer to crash |
CNXN-3762 | Defect | Saving a channel causes all devices to be updated, even if they have not been changed |
CNXN-3761 | Suggestion | Connexion - Provide More information about channel/device changed in the Audit Log |
CNXN-3760 | Defect | Connexion Client/Server should not use the same temp directory |
CNXN-3759 | Defect | Unable to wire up Integrator Inbound/Outbound connector devices unless user is not in Admin group |
CNXN-3753 | Defect | HL7 Validator device is broken |
CNXN-3752 | Defect | Exporting a plugin to nuget creates an empty file |
CNXN-3750 | Subtask | Integrator - "Break Glass" recovery of one or more Remote Integrators |
CNXN-3749 | Story | Integrator - Improvements to the certificate management required by 3M |
CNXN-3748 | Task | Implement Optional Compact Mongo DB after maintenance |
CNXN-3747 | Task | Upgrade from Mongo 3.4 (end of support Jan 31 2020) |
CNXN-3746 | Defect | Newly imported channels don't always show up for limited privilidge users |
CNXN-3744 | Defect | Queue type not honored if it changes in the last device in the channel |
CNXN-3743 | Task | UserStorage + MultiFileWriter split field may not be working (still on user context) |
CNXN-3741 | Task | Add Copy\Paste functionality to the Q Retention column of the v15 RIM |
CNXN-3740 | Defect | Group/Tab not set to "ALL" in Device Configuration Search resulting in NRE |
CNXN-3739 | Suggestion | FileWriterDevice - Needs some in UI documentation and cleanup |
CNXN-3738 | Defect | Core - Allow MessageContext.Message to be null when there is not primary message. Store it as string.empty |
CNXN-3737 | Defect | FileWriterDevice - Writes an empty file to destination directory when context.Message is null, or empty |
CNXN-3735 | Suggestion | Add multi-select to map tables (for delete) |
CNXN-3733 | Defect | FileWriter requires context.Message not be null even if write attachments only is enabled |
CNXN-3732 | Defect | Device Configuration Search - Should escape '\' with '\\' in query |
CNXN-3731 | Defect | Custom Code Device - Should be able to search code when a channel is locked |
CNXN-3730 | Suggestion | Connexion Gateway - Add a Validation cluster type Note: This applies to new gateway cluster deployments only. |
CNXN-3728 | Suggestion | Add 'download only' mode to ftp reader device |
CNXN-3727 | Suggestion | Add simple ftp browsing to the ftp device ui Note: With the implementation of CNXN-3719 (max message size), this feature allows you to manually connect to the source FTP server and download/delete the very large file. |
CNXN-3725 | Suggestion | InboundHL7Device - Should Pre-Pend CXN- to Message Control ID (MSH-10) |
CNXN-3724 | Suggestion | Connexion Maximum Message size - Should throw an exception before an OutOfMemoryException is thrown |
CNXN-3723 | Defect | MessageChannel - Logger some times shows [] when it should show the Group/Tab/ChannelName |
CNXN-3722 | Suggestion | Connexion - Add better diagnostics when a OutOfMemoryException occurs |
CNXN-3721 | Defect | Connexion.Core - Message.ToString() should not clear the Message.IsDirty flag |
CNXN-3720 | Suggestion | FileReader - Option to set max message size Note: Very large messages (1+ GB can cause out of memory exceptions which can cause an execution group to recycle). The file reader device now has a configurable (default=100MB) message size cap. Larger messages will cause an error to be logged and the large file skipped. |
CNXN-3719 | Suggestion | FtpReader - Option to set max message size Note: Very large messages (1+ GB can cause out of memory exceptions which can cause an execution group to recycle). The FTP reader device now has a configurable (default=100MB) message size cap. Larger messages will cause an exception to be thrown and processing to halt. |
CNXN-3718 | Task | [ProcessWrapper] - Process 00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 has unexpectedly exited. |
CNXN-3717 | Suggestion | Connexion Integrator Installer - Upgrade to .NET 4.8 |
CNXN-3716 | Defect | Connexion/RA - DLL HELL - Assembly binding to .NET standard libraries of different versions causes issues |
CNXN-3715 | Suggestion | Connexion Gateway - Upgrade to .NET 4.8 |
CNXN-3714 | Suggestion | Connexion Client- Upgrade to .NET 4.8 |
CNXN-3713 | Suggestion | Connexion - Upgrade to .NET 4.8 |
CNXN-3711 | Task | Gateway servers only are able to have one endpoint |
CNXN-3708 | Suggestion | Ability to filter the plugin list via typing (on the create/edit channel dialog) |
CNXN-3706 | Defect | File already exists error when importing Connexion devices |
CNXN-3705 | Defect | Internal assemblies with no corresponding plugin directory file are not resolved from the exe directory |
CNXN-3704 | Task | Ability to create actionable URIs to connexion channels |
CNXN-3703 | Defect | Upgrading a device that had DeviceDefinitionFlags.None to one that has DeviceDefinitionFlags.CanProcessInParallel still won't allow the multithreaded queue setting |
CNXN-3701 | Defect | Sql Queue Device - Under very heavy load with multiple queues in a row, stopping/starting the queue many times can result in a message being processed twice |
CNXN-3695 | Task | Unify code from Cxn UI/Mgmt UI which caches category and icon. |
CNXN-3687 | Task | Ability to perform HIPAA logging at system-level rather than channel-level |
CNXN-3600 | Suggestion | Add a new Message Processing Pipeline option to process messages in batches |
CNXN-3587 | Task | Ability to hook into auditing events (user actions) |
CNXN-3584 | Task | Add optional extra step to viewing a message. Integrate explicit content viewing with an audit event. |
CNXN-3552 | Story | Implement a new event hook mechanism for audit logging |
CNXN-3448 | Story | Create a way to Mass update connexion device settings |