Released On | Feb 20, 2017 |
Release Type | Production |
Release LocationConnexion | Please review the changes outlined in the R5 release if you are upgrading from an earlier version. Connexion 14.5: Connexion.14.5.2378.exe |
Integrator | Please review the changes outlined in the R5 release if you are upgrading from an earlier version. Gateway and Gateway Management Application: Connexion.Gateway.14.5.2378.exeGateway Management Application: Gateway.ManagementUI.14.5.2378.msiRemote Integrator: Connexion.Integrator.14.5.2378.exeRemote Integrator Queue: Connexion.Queue.Mongo.14.5.2373.0.nupkgRemote Agent Push Update: Connexion.Integrator.RemoteAgent.14.5.2378.msiRemote Updater A Push Update: Connexion.Integrator.UpdaterA.14.5.2378.msiRemote Updater B Push Update: Connexion.Integrator.UpdaterB.14.5.2378.msi |
This release fixes several minor Connexion issues introduced in the R5 release: