Released On | |
Release Type | In QA |
Release Location | Please review the changes outlined in the R5 release if you are upgrading from an earlier version. Connexion 14.5: Connexion.14.5.23402343.exe Gateway and Gateway Management Application: Connexion.Gateway.14.5.23402343.exe Gateway Management Application: Gateway.ManagementUI.14.5.23402343.msi Remote Integrator: Connexion.Integrator.14.5.23402343.exe Remote Integrator Queue: Connexion.Queue.Mongo.14.5.2286.0.nupkg Remote Agent Push Update: Connexion.Integrator.RemoteAgent.14.5.23402343.msi Remote Updater A Push Update: Connexion.Integrator.UpdaterA.14.5.23402343.msi Remote Updater B Push Update: Connexion.Integrator.UpdaterB.14.5.23402343.msi |
This release fixes several minor Connexion issues introduced in the R5 release:
Type | Ticket | Description |
Task | RA agent service not switching to new external gateway upon move to external gateway | |
Defect | CNXN-2874 | Unable to assign destination field when calling custom code in HL7 Transform Device v2 |
Defect | CNXN-2871 | invalid device - HL7Outbound after update R6 |
Defect | CNXN-2884 | Older versions of Mongo Carrying in client, and Import does not display current version |
Defect | CNXN-2869 | Removing unused Devices in Remote Integrator Manager doesn't work |
Defect | CNXN-2882 | Replacing outbound channel in Remote Integrator Manager breaks Connexion from being able to send to that channel |
Defect | CNXN-2830 | Repeated entries in the From Connexion dropdown connector of the Remote Integrator Connector Inbound Device |
Defect | CNXN-2866 | Transferring Attachments to a remote agent is broken |
Defect | CNXN-2867 | Multi-part wildcard certificates not supported, or not supported if * is omitted |
Defect | CNXN-2868 | Connexion.Gateway is running as a 32-bit process, it should be 64-bit |
Defect | CNXN-2870 | AdvancedServices Database is not properly versioned |
Defect | CNXN-2875 | Cloning a channel when not superuser can throw a permission denied |
Defect | CNXN-2876 | Error when user has access to a group, but no access to any tabs in the group |
Suggestion | CNXN-2877 | Need Create Channel Permission |
Defect | CNXN-2878 | Queue device throttle settings (radio buttons) may not show correct setting |
Defect | CNXN-2879 | Authorization/Roles shows incorrect user/group accounts |
Defect | CNXN-2880 | Connexion.Core version mismatch because of locked file during install |
Defect | CNXN-2881 | Server connection fields should always be read/write |
Defect | CNXN-2883 | OnBeforeExport() Being Called when saving channel changes in Remote Agent Manager |
Defect | CNXN-2885 | Throttling Setting (Days and Hours) lost when upgrading from v14 to v14.5 |
Defect | CNXN-2886 | Ingesting a single file containing a single HL7 message can when framing is turned off will post the message as a string |