Connexion 14.5 R24 (14.5.4001)

Released On

March 11, 2019

Release TypeProduction

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are some index changes to the Message in version R22 which could cause the upgrade to take longer than normal if this release has not already been applied. It took over an hour to run on a database with 100 Million messages

Gateway and Gateway Management Application: Connexion.Gateway.14.5.4001.exe

Gateway Management Application Only: Gateway.ManagementUI.14.5.4001.msi

Remote Integrator: Connexion.Integrator.14.5.4001.exe

Remote Integrator Queue: Connexion.Queue.Mongo.14.5.3861.0.nupkg

Remote Agent Push Update: Connexion.Integrator.RemoteAgent.14.5.4001.msi

Remote Updater A Push Update: Connexion.Integrator.UpdaterA.14.5.4001.msi

Remote Updater B Push Update: Connexion.Integrator.UpdaterB.14.5.4001.msi




CNXN-3489TaskRemoteAgent Stats - Do not allow RemoteAgents with RemoteAgentKey == Guid.Empty to enter the RemoteAgentCache
CNXN-3487DefectChannel Backup - Device Assembly files are not included in the channel backup
CNXN-3484DefectQueue - Deleting Queued messages through UI does not function properly
CNXN-3483SuggestionChannel Backup - Reduce the amount of memory and CPU required to back up the channels
CNXN-3482SuggestionChannel Export - Group and Tab name should be included in the filename of the zip file
CNXN-3481DefectGateway - Queue statistics do not agree with what is reported by query the queue
CNXN-3480DefectGatewayServiceHost - Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
CNXN-3479TaskRemote agent channels don't pick up new package plugins after package deployment
CNXN-3478TaskManagement UI Queued/Processed/Errored counts not wired up in the filter
CNXN-3477TaskRemote agent outbound device token textbox should never be writable (always read-only)