Connexion 14.5 R18 (14.5.3727)

Released On

April 11, 2018

Release TypeProduction

Connexion 14.5: Connexion.14.5.3727.exe


Please use: Integrator 14.5 R16 (14.5.3652)

Windows 7 Patch

Microsoft introduced an issue for Windows 7 users which may cause the UI to fail to load. They have re-released the patch here:




CNXN-3200DefectFileWriterDevice - Purging option should be disabled for FTP destinations
CNXN-3199SuggestionConcurrentFileWriter - Support Diagnostics in this device
CNXN-3197DefectUnable to Import Nuget Packages with SemVer 2.0.0 When They Should Import Fine
CNXN-3196DefectSSH private key not storing correctly / working for sFTP
CNXN-3192DefectConnexion  v14.5.3554 Clicking on ‘Add Table Transformer’ or ‘Add C# Transform’ causes an APPCRASH (c00000fd) error
CNXN-3191DefectCan create/import channels when the user doesn't have authorization
CNXN-3190DefectUnable edit newly created/imported channels if not in administrators group