Channel / Device drop-down control

Connexion has a dedicated drop-down / combobox control which can be used in several different scenarios. The most common scenario is to reference a channel or device which you wish to interact with. To accomplish this, add a reference to the Connexion.Share.Ui assembly and add a ConnexionCombobox control to your device UI.


This control has several different PopupType modes. In this sample, we wish to reference a specific queue within a channel, so we’re using the Queues mode.

The control data binds to a Guid property representing the key of the target object - in this case the device key of the target queue (SelectedKey property). You will most likely also want to set the RestrictToParentKey property, which defines the top level of your tree. In this sample device, the ParentKey property is defined within the view model and provides support for both Connexion and Remote Agent hosts.


The control acts just like a standard filterable drop-down:

Sample project: