Released On | |
Release Type | Developer build - R8 branch |
Changes | Testing of PG repository |
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file must be updated to enable statistics and branching for PG.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <appSettings> <add key="LoggerPerExecutionGroup" value="false"/> <add key="LohCompactionFrequencyInMinutes" value="60"/> <add key="MaxChannelOpThreadCount" value="50"/> <add key="wcf:disableOperationContextAsyncFlow" value="false"/> <add key="WriteExceptionStackTrace" value="false"/> <add key="IncludeMongoDbStatistics" value="true"/> <-- update <add key="UseMongoForwarding" value="false"/> <add key="UsePgForwarding" value="true"/> <-- add or update <add key="MaximumQueueBatchSizeInMB" value="20"/> <!--Sets the total size in megabytes dequeued in a single batch of messages. A value of 0 will disable this feature--> <add key="MaximumAuditFileAgeInSeconds" value="120"/> <!--Sets the maximum age (in seconds) of an audit file before it is processed--> <!--<add key="AuditWriterFormat" value="protobuf"/>--> <!--protobuf, json--> <!--<add key="AuditWriterLogToNLogOnly" value="false"/>--> <!--This will disable the Custom Code Handling of audit records and write them directly to a log file instead--> <!--<add key="UserBlackList" value="Domain\User, Domain\User"/>--> <!--This will reject specific users from logging into Connexion. Comma-delimited list of Domain\User--> <add key="CleanupDatabaseFrequencyInMinutes" value="60"/> <!--Only valid in debug builds. For testing only--> <add key="DebuggerBreakCallingFileName" value="All"/> <!--A comma separated list of calling file names that will trigger launching the Visual Studio debugger unexpected situations. If set to All, then all calls to DebugHelper.BreakIfRunningDebug will launch the debugger. This is only available for Debug builds.--> <add key="WakeQueuesOnRemoteMessageReceive" value="false"/> <!--When messages are received from a remote agent or secure sender device, the target queue will be signalled to immediately query the database--> <!--Enable AWSDK Logging. Uncomment the following 3 lines--> <!--Don't forget to change the filter in the log4net.config file to match your endpoint--> <!--<add key="log4net.Config" value="log4net.config"/> <add key="AWSLogMetrics" value="true"/> <add key="AWSLogging" value="log4net"/>--> </appSettings>