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Code Block
  public class MetricSample : BaseDevice<MetricSampleConfiguration>
    private IHistogram m_SendDurationHistogram;   // measure the time taken to send the payload
    protectedpublic override void InitializeMetrics()
      // construct your metrics here
      m_SendDurationHistogram = GetOrCreateHistogram("MyDevice.send_duration_in_s",                           // name of your metric. See notes about X.y syntax
                                                     "The duration (in seconds) to send to the foo service",  // description
                                                     new HistogramConfiguration                               // configuration
                                                       LabelNames = new[] { "Group", "Tab", "Channel", "ChannelKey" },          // associate this metric with the owner channel
                                                       Buckets = new double[] { 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10 }  // buckets (in seconds)
                                                     }).WithLabels(MessageChannel.GroupName, MessageChannel.TabName, MessageChannel.ChannelName, MessageChannel.ChannelKeyString);

    public override Task ProcessMessageAsync(IMessageContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
      // ...your code           
      using (m_SendDurationHistogram.NewTimer())    // the Histogram.NewTimer() method is used to measure the wrapped methods duration.
        await SendToFooServiceAsync(...).ConfigureAwait(false);
      // ... your code
  • The histogram is defined on line 3 (using the interface type)

  • The InitializeMetrics() method is called in your Start method(automatically) after the device is loaded (after the Load method). Any labels used within the InitializeMetrics() method must be initialized in your constructor or Load methods.

  • The histogram is created in the InitializeMetrics method.

  • The operation to be measured is wrapped with the .NewTimer() method. The NewTimer method is a specialized function of the histogram type for measuring duration (in seconds). Other operations (like size) are measured using the .Observe(X) method.


The InitializeMetrics method is called by the base class any time a user changes the metrics configuration. By initializing your metrics in this override, your Your metric(s) will automatically enable and disable be enabled and disabled (when users change the metric configuration) without requiring a service restart.
