Versions Compared


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Released On

March 11, 2018  (PENDING RELEASE)April 5, 2019

Release TypeProduction Release (PENDING RELEASE)


The R2 Connexion client application is not compatible with previous Connexion server releases


Gateway and Gateway Management Application: Connexion.Gateway.15.0.8893.exe

Gateway Management Application Only: Gateway.ManagementUI.15.0.8893.msi

Remote Integrator: Connexion.Integrator.15.0.8893.exe

Remote Agent Push Update: Integrator.RemoteAgent.15.0.8893.msi

Remote Updater A Push Update: Integrator.UpdaterA.15.0.8893.msi

Remote Updater B Push Update: Integrator.UpdaterB.15.0.8893.msi




Automated backup error



Alerting interval and disk threshold fields not displaying/updating

CNXN-3543DefectCustom Code Device - Compiler error when calling Logger.Audit. Missing System.ServiceModel reference
CNXN-3542DefectCustom Code Device - Switching between code files loses editing context
CNXN-3541DefectAudit Events showing up in all log files after upgrade to NLog v4.6.1
CNXN-3539SuggestionA way to see which devices are using a certain DLL (and the versions of that dll)
CNXN-3538DefectConnexion to Gateway Connection does not recover if initial connection does not succeed
CNXN-3537DefectConnexion should not start until the GlobalSettingsManager is properly initialized
CNXN-3536SuggestionUser performed channel backups should contain the group name as part of the file name
CNXN-3535DefectFile reader encoding is not used when attachments are configured
CNXN-3531SuggestionDatabase Elevated Credentials - Nice to have a test button
CNXN-3528SuggestionFileReader Device should have Traverse Sub-Directories Option
CNXN-3527SuggestionHL7 Outbound Device Diagnostic Tab Addition
CNXN-3526DefectRA system tray app may not be properly elevating when the register function is run
CNXN-3525SuggestionRIM v15 Server list should have a way to minimize or close the server list
CNXN-3521DefectChannel backup files are not using the correct AES256 encryption
CNXN-3520DefectMessageReaderDevice - NRE when Device is paused and the channel is stopped
CNXN-3518SuggestionAbility to ingest files of any type as attachments (file reader device)
CNXN-3513DefectRemoteAgent -  Exception received by client ui Starting/Stopping service [InvalidOperationException] Cannot stop Integrator.RemoteAgent service on computer '.'.
CNXN-3512DefectStopping a channel clears the error count on the device when it shouldn't
CNXN-3511SuggestionRealtime Device Status should not be automatically cleared by MessageChannel when the device is stopped
CNXN-3510SuggestionFileWriter Device - Should show the destination directory/uri in its Realtime Display Status
CNXN-3508SuggestionGateway Alert Viewer - Ability to Query/Delete multiple entries via the Event Id
CNXN-3507SuggestionConnexion Event Viewer - Ability to Query/Delete multiple entries via the Event Id
CNXN-3506SuggestionHL7 Message Viewer - Add button to turn on obfuscation
CNXN-3505SuggestionPlugin Manager - Plugins should be ordered by Display Name/Version
CNXN-3504DefectPlugin Manager - Tooltip on error should wrap and be copy-able
CNXN-3503SuggestionDeploy to Remote Agents - When a filter matches a Group/Tab their RAs should be displayed
CNXN-3502DefectDeploy Installer To Remote Agents - When a filter is set, selecting the "All" button should not select hidden RAs
CNXN-3501SuggestionGlobal Variable UI - When a filter matches a Group/Tab their globals should be displayed
CNXN-3500DefectFileReader/FileWriter - Edit Global Password not working
CNXN-3498SuggestionMessageReader/FileWriter Devices - Should only allow a single Diagnostic test to run at a time
CNXN-3497DefectFileWriter - Leaves orphaned .zip file when the channel is stopped during the zipping of the file
CNXN-3496DefectBaseDevice.OnScheduleTimerFire - Can have multiple threads running in OnScheduleTimeout
CNXN-3495DefectFileReader - Error 5300 processing file:  [ObjectDisposedException] Safe handle has been closed 
CNXN-3493SuggestionFileReader/FileWriter Diagnostics - there should be a cap on how long the test is allowed to run before returning an error
CNXN-3492DefectFileReader/FileWriter devices should clear their text before running the test
CNXN-3491DefectFileReader/FileWriter/FtpReader Devices - Impersonation failed. Needed to restart Connexion to get credentials to take
CNXN-3489TaskRemoteAgent Stats - Do not allow RemoteAgents with RemoteAgentKey == Guid.Empty to enter the RemoteAgentCache
CNXN-3488Defect[GatewayInternalConnectionManager] 6287 Unable to connect to gateway. [NullReferenceException] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
CNXN-3487DefectChannel Backup - Device Assembly files are not included in the channel backup
CNXN-3486DefectNew Plugin Manager - Not optimized for large channel files
CNXN-3485DefectPlugin Manager - issues with new plugin manager dialog
CNXN-3483SuggestionChannel Backup - Reduce the amount of memory and CPU required to back up the channels
CNXN-3482SuggestionChannel Export - Group and Tab name should be included in the filename of the zip file
CNXN-3479TaskRemote agent channels don't pick up new package plugins after package deployment
CNXN-3477TaskRemote agent outbound device token textbox should never be writable (always read-only)
CNXN-3471DefectImport which includes plugins, channels, and globals hangs when the globals are filed under a tab
CNXN-3468DefectMessageReaderDevice - [ArgumentNullException] Value cannot be null. Parameter name: encoding
CNXN-3466SuggestionQueue - Option to cancel purge operation
CNXN-3465SuggestionAdd Plugin as part of the Statistics push to the client
CNXN-3464DefectRA - Sending too many error messages to the server. Should be throttled.
CNXN-3463DefectGateway Alerts - Inserting the same error over-and-over
CNXN-3462DefectOrphan remote agents are spamming the logs
CNXN-3460TaskExpose a few more methods in IGlobalsUiProvider interface to allower third parties to load/read globals
CNXN-3459DefectRA - A cleared route is not available to be selected by another RA
CNXN-3458SuggestionSystem.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog - replace with Actipro Shell TreeListBox
CNXN-3457DefectRemoteAgent - FileExplorer System.InvalidOperationException: 'Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.'
CNXN-3456DefectRemoteAgent - FileExplorer right-click download should remember previous directory downloaded to
CNXN-3455DefectRemoteAgent - FileExplorer Drag/Drop/Copy/Paste not working 
CNXN-3454StoryAdd sequence information to StateChangedEventArgs in monitoring OnStateChangedAsync method
CNXN-3453TaskRemote agent token/thumbprint as a database password is problematic
CNXN-3452DefectSaving a remote agent may create 'notes' and 'contacts' saved log entries - when no change was made to these
CNXN-3451DefectGateway UI is sending full channel bytes when only a route has changed
CNXN-3450DefectRA channel tags has inconsistent behavior since switching to loading channels on demand
CNXN-3449DefectClear route button not active when expected
CNXN-3447DefectLock created datetime isn't updated when a previously cleared lock is re-taken
CNXN-3446DefectUser dashboard doesn't show the correct user/locks when connecting to a remote connexion instance
CNXN-3445DefectLock user is initially incorrect when connecting to a remote connexion server
CNXN-3444SuggestionDisplay the english description for lock elapsed duration (instead of XX:XX:XX:XX)
CNXN-3443DefectSource URI comming from RA is incorrect
CNXN-3441DefectHL7CdaCatalyst (compiled against either 14.5 or 15.0 dll's) doesn't work as expected in Connexion 15.0
CNXN-3440DefectHL7Transform V2 - When a transform fails, the index and type of the transform should be included in error message
CNXN-3439DefectUnable to change default HL7 message encoding characters
CNXN-3438DefectDashboard - IsDeleted channels/devices are showing up in total counts for the System Device
CNXN-3437SuggestionUnit Test - Global Code unit test required
CNXN-3436DefectError Starting Channel - [Exception] : [UnauthorizedAccessException] Access to the path 'Global\xxxx' is denied.
CNXN-3435DefectQueueDevice - Shows Total Errors = 1, even though there are no errors
CNXN-3434DefectBaseQueueDevice - a database timeout exception storing a message in a subsequent Queue should not cause a message to placed in the Error queue of the previous Queue
CNXN-3433DefectClient - System.InvalidOperationException: 'DeferRefresh' is not allowed during an AddNew or EditItem transaction.
CNXN-3432DefectConnexion Client - NRE in Client.ServerVm.UpdateStatics()
CNXN-3431SuggestionNuget Package - Drag/Drop a package onto the Connexion Client should initiate Plugin import
CNXN-3430DefectPlugin Manager- Does not refresh dialog after import
CNXN-3429Defectnuget import is handled strangely
CNXN-3428DefectError importing attached v14.5 plugin
CNXN-3427DefectCan't delete a device if it was part of a larger nupkg import without deleting all
CNXN-3426StoryConnexion should be able to support importing multiple device imports in nuget
CNXN-3425DefectQueue - When querying via Corr Key an additional column should be displayed that gives a description of the Channel/Device the message belongs to
CNXN-3424TaskBulk message export from mongo q doesn't have any file contents.
CNXN-3423SuggestionMongoQueue - Add option to repair a Mongo database using Mongodb --repair
CNXN-3421SuggestionBase Queue Device - Queue Work List should not display UTC offset for Message Date column if the UTC offset is Timespan.Zero
CNXN-3420DefectCore - HL7DateTime.TryParse returns the datetime as being in the local timezone even if not timezone is in the DTM string 
CNXN-3419DefectSql Queue - Query by CorrelationKey should search across all queues, not just the current one
CNXN-3418DefectUser storage not automatically committed by secure sender or RA sender devices
CNXN-3417SuggestionQueue Export - Should use protobuf, not json when exporting messages
CNXN-3416DefectGateway Alerts - Delete via Event Severity doesn't make sense
CNXN-3415DefectEventHistory - Delete via Event Severity doesn't make sense
CNXN-3414DefectEvent History - App.Server column doesn't do anything and should be removed
CNXN-3413SuggestionGateway Alerts - Add the ability to delete events with a specific error number, error text, or list of AlertIds
CNXN-3412SuggestionEventHistory - Add the ability to delete events with a specific error number, error text, or list of EventHistoryIds
CNXN-3411DefectGateway UI - Should show channel as saved in the UI even if the RA is down and cannot accept the change
CNXN-3410DefectConnexion - Windows Services shuts down when an UnhandledException occurs in the application 
CNXN-3409TaskUpdate remote file system serialization to work without TypeNameHandling
CNXN-3407SuggestionHL7Message.CombineObxsToObx5Repeats - need an overload of this function that allows the user to control how OBX segments are grouped
CNXN-3406DefectQueue Statistics - Some queue stats may be missed during the call to GetLatestStatistics2
CNXN-3405SuggestionGateway Alerts - Query on Alert text
CNXN-3404DefectConnexion EventHistory - Event History Query containing a [ or ] does not return correct results
CNXN-3403DefectDashboard - OldestQueued does not seem to clear
CNXN-3402DefectDashboard - Sorting elapsed values incorrect
CNXN-3401SuggestionQueue Statistics - Make oldest queued message per device an opt-in option
CNXN-3400SuggestionServer View - It would be nice to see the queue statistics per database
CNXN-3399DefectChannel Statistics - Intermittently do not show proper counts in the channel
CNXN-3398SuggestionConnexion config wizard should change gateway endpoint entries to DNS names
CNXN-3397DefectGateway Alerts - All indexes and queries are on the date time created on the server CreatedDateTime, but only EventDateTime is show
CNXN-3396DefectGateway.ConfigurationWizard - Error roundhouse.databases.sqlserver.SqlServerDatabase with provider System.Data.SqlClient does not provide a facility for creating a database at this time.
CNXN-3395DefectConfigurationWizard - Roundhouse change report is supposed to be included in the ConfigurationWizard log file
CNXN-3394DefectFileWriterDevice - Password was not cleared on exporting of the device
CNXN-3363SuggestionMongoQueueDevice - Each queue performs initialization of the user authentication and version compatibility. This should be done once by the Queue Coordinator
