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We are actively developing and refining this feature. Usage and APIs are subject to change. Please send your feedback.


Once you have confirmed the UP state, you should install and configure Grafana.

Prometheus doesn’t support installation as a service (on Windows) out of the box. If you want to install Prometheus as a service on Windows, you will need to download nssm, or, use the copy of nssm distributed with Grafana. You can use the following commands to install prometheus as a service:

Code Block
nssm install prometheus <path to prometheus.exe here>
nssm set prometheus AppParameters --web.listen-address :9092 <--only if you want to change the default port
nssm set prometheus AppParameters --storage.tsdb.retention.time 365d <--only if you want to change the default retention

Grafana Configuration

Once installed, Grafana exposes a web console on port 3000. Navigate to your Grafana host and select the Add your first data source link.
