Versions Compared


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Released On

March 12, 2018

Release TypeRelease Candidate

Gateway and Gateway Management Application: Connexion.Gateway.15.0.5352.exe

Gateway Management Application Only: Gateway.ManagementUI.15.0.5352.msi

Remote Integrator: Connexion.Integrator.15.0.5352.exe

Remote Agent Push Update: Integrator.RemoteAgent.15.0.5352.msi

Remote Updater A Push Update: Integrator.UpdaterA.15.0.5352.msi

Remote Updater B Push Update: Integrator.UpdaterB.15.0.5352.msi

Please note that Connexion version 15 can only be rolled back to version 14.5 R16 or later. Please take a look at the new features / changes page and get in touch if you'd like a real-time demonstration of the new features.


CNXN-3187DefectClient Queue Worklist - Current message is not cleared when next message is selected 
CNXN-3186DefectFailed to load entire message
CNXN-3185SuggestionDatabase Maintenance - Reduce the amount of logging
CNXN-3184DefectWarn 5757 [System:SystemDevice] Failed to check the free space for PXEFDN802Q: [SqlException] The user does not have permission to perform this action. 
CNXN-3183SuggestionRemote Agent Device - Add RemoteAgentKey to device information dialog
CNXN-3182SuggestionConnexion Client Device - Add ExecutionGroupKey to device information dialog
CNXN-3181SuggestionConnexion Logger Improvements
CNXN-3179DefectException thrown: 'System.TypeLoadException' in Newtonsoft.Json.dll Additional information: Could not load type 'Connexion.Core.CxnPropertyChangedEventArgs'
CNXN-3178SuggestionAdd searching by tag to the RIM
CNXN-3177DefectHL7 transform v1 popups don't position correctly on non-standard dpi monitors
CNXN-3176SuggestionBetter associate AssemblyResolver errors with the device that is being loaded
CNXN-3173SuggestionMessageBucket View - Support for uncompressed data
CNXN-3172DefectIntegrator - RemoteAgent deadlock
CNXN-3171DefectGateway Alerting - WCF Error: Failed to forward the invoke call to the systemm device service: System.Exception: GetProxy Invalid proxy type Gateway
CNXN-3170SuggestionIntegrator - User option to purge Package and Plugins
CNXN-3169SuggestionIntegrator - Include Process ID in log file
CNXN-3168DefectIntegrator - Cannot generate bug report if one of the files is locked by another process
CNXN-3167DefectIntegrator - Messages sent in via a RemoteAgentOutboundConnectorDevice are always stored in Connexion uncompressed
CNXN-3166DefectPermissions Exception
CNXN-3165SuggestionConfigurable default for queue database
CNXN-3149SuggestionAdd Ability for administration to set the default menu choice when provisioning a new Remote Agent