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Released On

April 22May 20, 2020

Release TypeBeta



titleBreaking Change! - Security Audit Logging

Due to the new security features previous versions of the Connexion.Client.exe and Gateway.ManagementUI.exe are not compatible.

.NET 4.8 may need to be manually installed if your systems don't have internet access.


titleBreaking Change! - Certificate Rotation

R6 introduces Certificate Rotation which forces the Integrator to create a self-signed certificate on a rotating basis. If an Integrator is unable to communicate with the Gateway because of a downgrade to R5 then you will need to use the "Break Glass" feature to re-establish the communications link.

See Certificate Rotation

Gateway and Gateway Management Application: Connexion.Gateway.15.0.18743.exe

Gateway Management Application Only: Gateway.ManagementUI.15.0.18743.msi

Remote Integrator: Connexion.Integrator.15.0.18743.exe

Remote Agent Push Update: Integrator.RemoteAgent.15.0.18743.msi

Remote Updater A Push Update: Integrator.UpdaterA.15.0.18743.msi

Remote Updater B Push Update: Integrator.UpdaterB.15.0.18743.msi
