Versions Compared


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Released On

March 11, 2018  (PENDING RELEASE)

Release TypeProduction Release (PENDING RELEASE)

Gateway and Gateway Management Application: Connexion.Gateway.15.0.84028407.exe

Gateway Management Application Only: Gateway.ManagementUI.15.0.84028407.msi

Remote Integrator: Connexion.Integrator.15.0.84028407.exe

Remote Agent Push Update: Integrator.RemoteAgent.15.0.84028407.msi

Remote Updater A Push Update: Integrator.UpdaterA.15.0.84028407.msi

Remote Updater B Push Update: Integrator.UpdaterB.15.0.84028407.msi

CNXN-3498SuggestionMessageReader/FileWriter Devices - Should only allow a single Diagnostic test to run at a time
CNXN-3497DefectFileWriter - Leaves orphaned .zip file when the channel is stopped during the zipping of the file
CNXN-3496DefectBaseDevice.OnScheduleTimerFire - Can have multiple threads running in OnScheduleTimeout
CNXN-3495DefectFileReader - Error 5300 processing file:  [ObjectDisposedException] Safe handle has been closed 
CNXN-3493SuggestionFileReader/FileWriter Diagnostics - there should be a cap on how long the test is allowed to run before returning an error
CNXN-3492DefectFileReader/FileWriter devices should clear their text before running the test
CNXN-3491DefectFileReader/FileWriter/FtpReader Devices - Impersonation failed. Needed to restart Connexion to get credentials to take
CNXN-3489TaskRemoteAgent Stats - Do not allow RemoteAgents with RemoteAgentKey == Guid.Empty to enter the RemoteAgentCache
CNXN-3488Defect[GatewayInternalConnectionManager] 6287 Unable to connect to gateway. [NullReferenceException] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
CNXN-3487DefectChannel Backup - Device Assembly files are not included in the channel backup
CNXN-3485DefectPlugin Manager - issues with new plugin manager dialog
CNXN-3483SuggestionChannel Backup - Reduce the amount of memory and CPU required to back up the channels
CNXN-3482SuggestionChannel Export - Group and Tab name should be included in the filename of the zip file
CNXN-3479TaskRemote agent channels don't pick up new package plugins after package deployment
CNXN-3477TaskRemote agent outbound device token textbox should never be writable (always read-only)
CNXN-3471DefectImport which includes plugins, channels, and globals hangs when the globals are filed under a tab
CNXN-3468DefectMessageReaderDevice - [ArgumentNullException] Value cannot be null. Parameter name: encoding
CNXN-3466SuggestionQueue - Option to cancel purge operation
CNXN-3465SuggestionAdd Plugin as part of the Statistics push to the client
CNXN-3464DefectRA - Sending too many error messages to the server. Should be throttled.
CNXN-3463DefectGateway Alerts - Inserting the same error over-and-over
CNXN-3462DefectOrphan remote agents are spamming the logs
CNXN-3460TaskExpose a few more methods in IGlobalsUiProvider interface to allower third parties to load/read globals
CNXN-3459DefectRA - A cleared route is not available to be selected by another RA
CNXN-3458SuggestionSystem.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog - replace with Actipro Shell TreeListBox
CNXN-3457DefectRemoteAgent - FileExplorer System.InvalidOperationException: 'Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.'
CNXN-3456DefectRemoteAgent - FileExplorer right-click download should remember previous directory downloaded to
CNXN-3455DefectRemoteAgent - FileExplorer Drag/Drop/Copy/Paste not working 
CNXN-3454StoryAdd sequence information to StateChangedEventArgs in monitoring OnStateChangedAsync method
CNXN-3453TaskRemote agent token/thumbprint as a database password is problematic
CNXN-3452DefectSaving a remote agent may create 'notes' and 'contacts' saved log entries - when no change was made to these
CNXN-3451DefectGateway UI is sending full channel bytes when only a route has changed
CNXN-3450DefectRA channel tags has inconsistent behavior since switching to loading channels on demand
CNXN-3449DefectClear route button not active when expected
CNXN-3447DefectLock created datetime isn't updated when a previously cleared lock is re-taken
CNXN-3446DefectUser dashboard doesn't show the correct user/locks when connecting to a remote connexion instance
CNXN-3445DefectLock user is initially incorrect when connecting to a remote connexion server
CNXN-3444SuggestionDisplay the english description for lock elapsed duration (instead of XX:XX:XX:XX)
CNXN-3443DefectSource URI comming from RA is incorrect
CNXN-3441DefectHL7CdaCatalyst (compiled against either 14.5 or 15.0 dll's) doesn't work as expected in Connexion 15.0
CNXN-3440DefectHL7Transform V2 - When a transform fails, the index and type of the transform should be included in error message
CNXN-3439DefectUnable to change default HL7 message encoding characters
CNXN-3438DefectDashboard - IsDeleted channels/devices are showing up in total counts for the System Device
CNXN-3437SuggestionUnit Test - Global Code unit test required
CNXN-3436DefectError Starting Channel - [Exception] : [UnauthorizedAccessException] Access to the path 'Global\xxxx' is denied.
CNXN-3435DefectQueueDevice - Shows Total Errors = 1, even though there are no errors
CNXN-3434DefectBaseQueueDevice - a database timeout exception storing a message in a subsequent Queue should not cause a message to placed in the Error queue of the previous Queue
CNXN-3433DefectClient - System.InvalidOperationException: 'DeferRefresh' is not allowed during an AddNew or EditItem transaction.
CNXN-3432DefectConnexion Client - NRE in Client.ServerVm.UpdateStatics()
CNXN-3431SuggestionNuget Package - Drag/Drop a package onto the Connexion Client should initiate Plugin import
CNXN-3430DefectPlugin Manager- Does not refresh dialog after import
CNXN-3429Defectnuget import is handled strangely
CNXN-3428DefectError importing attached v14.5 plugin
CNXN-3427DefectCan't delete a device if it was part of a larger nupkg import without deleting all
CNXN-3426StoryConnexion should be able to support importing multiple device imports in nuget
CNXN-3425DefectQueue - When querying via Corr Key an additional column should be displayed that gives a description of the Channel/Device the message belongs to
CNXN-3424TaskBulk message export from mongo q doesn't have any file contents.
CNXN-3423SuggestionMongoQueue - Add option to repair a Mongo database using Mongodb --repair
CNXN-3421SuggestionBase Queue Device - Queue Work List should not display UTC offset for Message Date column if the UTC offset is Timespan.Zero
CNXN-3420DefectCore - HL7DateTime.TryParse returns the datetime as being in the local timezone even if not timezone is in the DTM string 
CNXN-3419DefectSql Queue - Query by CorrelationKey should search across all queues, not just the current one
CNXN-3418DefectUser storage not automatically committed by secure sender or RA sender devices
CNXN-3417SuggestionQueue Export - Should use protobuf, not json when exporting messages
CNXN-3416DefectGateway Alerts - Delete via Event Severity doesn't make sense
CNXN-3415DefectEventHistory - Delete via Event Severity doesn't make sense
CNXN-3414DefectEvent History - App.Server column doesn't do anything and should be removed
CNXN-3413SuggestionGateway Alerts - Add the ability to delete events with a specific error number, error text, or list of AlertIds
CNXN-3412SuggestionEventHistory - Add the ability to delete events with a specific error number, error text, or list of EventHistoryIds
CNXN-3411DefectGateway UI - Should show channel as saved in the UI even if the RA is down and cannot accept the change
CNXN-3410DefectConnexion - Windows Services shuts down when an UnhandledException occurs in the application 
CNXN-3409TaskUpdate remote file system serialization to work without TypeNameHandling
CNXN-3407SuggestionHL7Message.CombineObxsToObx5Repeats - need an overload of this function that allows the user to control how OBX segments are grouped
CNXN-3406DefectQueue Statistics - Some queue stats may be missed during the call to GetLatestStatistics2
CNXN-3405SuggestionGateway Alerts - Query on Alert text
CNXN-3404DefectConnexion EventHistory - Event History Query containing a [ or ] does not return correct results
CNXN-3403DefectDashboard - OldestQueued does not seem to clear
CNXN-3402DefectDashboard - Sorting elapsed values incorrect
CNXN-3401SuggestionQueue Statistics - Make oldest queued message per device an opt-in option
CNXN-3400SuggestionServer View - It would be nice to see the queue statistics per database
CNXN-3399DefectChannel Statistics - Intermittently do not show proper counts in the channel
CNXN-3398SuggestionConnexion config wizard should change gateway endpoint entries to DNS names
CNXN-3397DefectGateway Alerts - All indexes and queries are on the date time created on the server CreatedDateTime, but only EventDateTime is show
CNXN-3396DefectGateway.ConfigurationWizard - Error roundhouse.databases.sqlserver.SqlServerDatabase with provider System.Data.SqlClient does not provide a facility for creating a database at this time.
CNXN-3395DefectConfigurationWizard - Roundhouse change report is supposed to be included in the ConfigurationWizard log file
CNXN-3394DefectFileWriterDevice - Password was not cleared on exporting of the device
CNXN-3363SuggestionMongoQueueDevice - Each queue performs initialization of the user authentication and version compatibility. This should be done once by the Queue Coordinator
