- CNXN-1376 HL7TransformDevice - Request to have an execution group that groups transforms under a parent condition
- CNXN-1459 ctrl + shift + s should save all unsaved within a tab.
- CNXN-1489 HL7 Transform Device - Should have case sensitive option on Table Mapping UI
- CNXN-1460 HL7 Tx description update button.
- CNXN-1510 HL7Transform Device - Add Expression to control whether, or not, the transforms within the device are run
- CNXN-1514 Connexion.Core - Require a method to get segments of a particular type that are grouped together
- CNXN-1517 Help button in the server toolbar isn't launching a browser (to the proper url)CNXN-1529 Make Importing Device Selection Easier
- CNXN-1536 Razor engine removes an attribute entirely if the value inserted is an empty string.
- CNXN-1539 Update Actipro Libraries to version 2013.2 Build 591
- CNXN-1545 Queue Device - Record count in the query results should be turned off by default
- CNXN-1551 Use Large Object Heap Compaction if .NET 4.5.1 is installed to help prevent OutOfMemoryExceptions due to LOH fragmentation
- CNXN-1552 IDevice interface needs ChannelStarting/ChannelStopping methods
- CNXN-1560 InstallWizard - After Restoring a database Service Broker is off by default. It would be nice if the InstallWizard enabled it.
- CNXN-1562 Add support to pause a Custom Device from the UI
- CNXN-1564 Device-wise, branch 13 should be compatible 14
- CNXN-1492 Custom code templating: Sometime intellisense isn't working
- CNXN-1509 InstallWizard - V13 does not install properly after installation of V14 (Enterprise version)
- CNXN-1511 Database Maintenance - Databases other than Connexion cannot be backup, or maintained.
- CNXN-1513 When a compile error exists in a code file and then a template is selected, the wrong text is displayed (in the CCD).
- CNXN-1515 HL7InboundDevice - Setting a maximum value of 102400 KB, cause the default value of 1024 KB to be used
- CNXN-1516 Creating a nuget package from a device which has dependencies not in the standard plugins directory fails.
- CNXN-1517 Help button in the server toolbar isn't launching a browser (to the proper url)
- CNXN-1518 InstallWizard - Should shutdown the Connexion Windows Service Account during the upgrade portion
- CNXN-1520 Specifying a DNS name in the HL7 Outbound device causes the socket to attempt to use IP v6 (which fails)
- CNXN-1524 Database - Missing Index on DeviceId, Keywords results in poor query performance for Keywords
- CNXN-1526 QueueDevice - Copy messages to another queue does not function. Gives the attached error.
- CNXN-1527 Database Maintenance - Should not use Windows Impersonation unless there is a \ in the name
- CNXN-1534 Keywords not reliably being written when added via a custom function within the HL7 tx device.
- CNXN-1554 The IDevice public interface shouldn't contain the Load(object config) as this is used internally only.
- CNXN-1557 Using ctrl + S to save a channel causes an 's' to be added to the active window if a messagedialog is shown.
CNXN-1559 Import Custom Device - Error importing Custom Device: FK_Device_DeviceDefinition
CNXN-1561 Messages are stored in the processing history when they shouldn't be