The following functions are available for use in the HL7 Transform device.
Function | Use |
? | |
?? | |
AppendSegment(segmentName) | |
Coalesce(expression1,expression2,...,expressionN) | |
Escape(expression) | |
FilterString(expression,allowedCharacters) | |
GetDate(format='yyyyMMddhhmmss') | |
If(condition,trueExpression,falseExpression) | |
In(expression,string1,string2,...,stringN) | |
IndexOf(expression,string) | |
InTable("InTableName") | |
Left(expression,string) | |
Len(expression) | |
LTrim(expression) | |
LTrim(expression,string) | |
Remove(expression,string1, string2,...,stringN) | |
Replace(expression,string,string) | |
Right(expression,string) | |
RTrim(expression) | |
RTrim(expression,string) | |
Split(expression,charArray,index) | |
SubString(expression,offset,length) | |
Trim(expression) | |
Trim(expression,string) | |
UnEscape(expression |
Deleting a transform
If you want to temporarily stop using a transform, uncheck the box in the Enabled column. But there may be times you want to completely delete the transform. This cannot be undone, so use with caution.