- Server Address: the address of the destination server.
- Server Port: The port that should be used to access the destination.
- Connection Timeout (sec): The number of seconds the connection should be idle before it times out.
- Advanced TCP Options: use these options to set advanced behavior for the TCP connection. Choices include:
- KeepAlive: Choose this to use KeepAlive messages. These messages are sent to verify that the link between the HL7 Inbound Device and the source HL7 message system is still operating.
- NoDelay: Choose this option to disable the Nagle algorithm. This means that messages will be sent immediately, instead of being held until a transmission is of a certain size. This potentially improves system performance.
- DontLinger: Select this option to close the socket gracefully without lingering.
- Expect Acknowledgement (HL7 ACK): Whether or not Connexion should expect an ACK/NACK notification from the destination server.
- Encoding: choose the type of encoding the incoming HL7 messages will use. The default is Western European (ISO).
- Start of Message Character: This is the character/string that indicates the start of an HL7 message.
- End of Message Character: This is the character/string that indicates the end of an HL7 message
Ack/Nack Error Condition
You can move the message to the error queue if the Ack/Nack Condition is met when the HL7 message is processed by the HL7 Outbound device.
Select the check box to enable the move to the error queue. In the Ack/Nack Condition field, set the condition(s) that must be met for the message to be moved to the error queue. By default, Connexion will match the value of the MSA-1 segment to either AE or AR, which are two common error codes set in the HL7 Inbound device (HL7 Inbound Device>Connection). If you have used other values, you can specify those instead.
If you click in the field, you can also choose any of the other functions available in Connexion. For a full description of all available functions, see the HL7 Transform device page.
Info |
Although all of the functions are available, some (such as LTrim) are not useful for evaluating an error condition. You should use a function that can be evaluated to a Boolean true/false condition for the Ack/Nack Error Condition. |
If you wish to add an entry to the Connexion Error Log, in addition to moving the HL7 message to the error queue, select the check box.