This page contains information about the File Reader device. Table of Contents
To configure the device, complete the following options.
Reader Type: From the drop-down, choose the type of reader you want the device to be. Choices include:
- File Reader: read individual files (such as .rtf)
- Fixed-width Reader: read fixed-width files (such as .txt)
- Delimited Reader: read files that use a delimiter (such as a comma or a pipe) to separate values
Output Message Type: From the drop-down, choose the type of message that Connexion should create after reading the input. Choices include:
- HL7 message
- String
Source Path: the path to the directory where the input file is located (e.g., c:/files/connexion).
Impersonate: if the Source Path directory requires the credentials of a specific user or group, select the box and then enter the username and password in the appropriate fields.
Minimum file age: set how old the file must be (based on creation date) before it can be read. This value is specified in seconds.
Polling interval: the time interval, in seconds, at which Connexion will look in the Source Path directory for new files.
File Filter: the file extension/filter that is used to identify the primary message file. You can use wildcards in a file name (foo*.* will look for any file that starts with "foo") or extension (*.foo will look for any files with the FOO extension). If you do not want to read in a primary file, only attachments, leave this field blank.
Attachment Extensions: These are the extensions of any file that should be added as attachments. Each extension should be listed on its own line. One file per specified extension will be added once a file exists. For example, if you specify *.rtf and *.xml as the attachment extensions, once a pair of files with matching names and extensions (e.g., foo.rtf and foo.xml) exist, they will be added as attachments.
Test Mode: When this box is selected, files will not be automatically deleted after the device finishes reading them. This is useful if you are configuring the device or channel. Once the device goes to production, you may choose to uncheck this option.
Encoding: Set the encoding for the files to be read. The default is Western European (ISO), but you can choose a different encoding system (such as Unicode).
Messages Are Framed: what does this mean?