Released On | Feb 22, 2018 |
Release Location |
Issue key | Issue Type | Summary |
CNXN-3177 | Defect | HL7 transform v1 popups don't position correctly on non-standard dpi monitors |
CNXN-3166 | Defect | Permissions Exception |
CNXN-3175 | Defect | 14.5 Developer Releases 14.5.3670 Errors After Upgrade |
CNXN-3163 | Defect | InboundRemoteAgentDevice - Label not refreshing after Critical database error |
CNXN-3162 | Suggestion | Need a way to create hl7 without escaping the content inserted in OBX-5 or efficently replace the escapes |
CNXN-3161 | Defect | AssemblyResolve without a version can result in an NRE and a "[FileNotFoundException] Unable to resolve assembly" |
CNXN-3160 | Suggestion | Spamming of the Connexion.User log file is causing other log files to be deleted too early |
CNXN-3158 | Defect | Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records. |
CNXN-3156 | Defect | Mayo DB User Login Issue |
CNXN-3154 | Defect | Update All is no longer updating All |